
Equality versus Liberty

Too far left is communism, too far right is fascism yet the structure is the same for both extremes. Equality has nothing to do with liberty. Equality has to do with access to goods and services. For instance, the standard of education should be the same for all people of a particular governing body. This is the reason why justice was supposed to be blind. Our liberty, if one is a citizen of the United States, is given by each individual's creator and the entire reason that the United States is a Republic. Liberty means not having to ask permission. The governing leaders whether it be city, county, state or union are appointed and can be changed. Do not let someone with a lawyer's background, who gives allegiance to Great Britain when the attorney passes the bar examination, determine what happens to each citizen and puts us all in a collective situation. Each of us are unique and different as a snowflake but we all share the desire to have a purposeful life free of mandates. $750 Billion was taken out of the paid into medicare fund to pass a mandate of a health care tax on citizens but Congress was exempt. Medicare only covers 80% of seniors medical costs even though seniors paid for it and Medicare was distributed to the states in order for undocumented to receive free healthcare. When Beto was a Congressman he wanted to pass Medicare for all but no Democrat voted for it. Bernie was a socialist and promoted Medicare for all when he ran as a Democrat which is ironic. Now Beto is using Betonthestork since the O in O'Rourke means he is the grandson not the Grandfather who needs his paid into Medicare at no cost. Beto's stork delivers and Beto receives more money in one day than Bernie who actually won the 2016 Democrat Primary so it is evident that Bush 43 also from Texas put Beto on the ticket for one purpose so that 100% Saudi owned Aramco Oil in Houston, Texan will be listed on the London Stock Exchange because Trump won instead of JEB. C.I.A.Poppy'a little George knows who his friends are like Beto who also voted as a Congressman for "Big Oil".


Competition Rules

Competition is the best of the best. We the Yuppie Generation had the opportunity to be the best of the best because the boomers raised us. They were the Eisenhower generation of warriors that when a country endangered we the people and made a first strike in violation of our National Security we fought to win. The generation of the chess players who held the black knight to checkmate his opponent. We had anti-trust laws to prevent monopolies. We are at the point of an oligarchy of companies free of competition. Another example of competition was Steve Jobs. Larry Ellison his friend is also the best of the best with his company Oracle where hard drive and soft drive are integrated. Gus Fink is where art begins because he creates from his own ideas. I was amazed that an i-pod will not adapt to an app of Gus Fink's Miko and Cola. This is unbelievable because the United States has patent laws and artwork and descriptive text are copyrighted. A company like Apple, minus Steve Jobs, can produce worldwide with no regard for the United States which, by the way, we the people own those airwaves. Those fiber optic waves that were created by engineers like my brother in bell labs were for our protection. How did we get to where we are from generation of generation of achievers to buy into these hand held devices that hacked into hard drive codes mostly from Harvard and produced soft drive out of zero competition, no value and borrowed ideas with no regard for the best of the best? Well, we are seeing what happens when everyone is on the same playing field with no set rules, no competition, instant gratification, and speculative IPO's instead of stock certificates in hand. In a thoroughbred horse race, every horse is capable of finishing first. Americans used to say that I am an American because I can do anything with competition and the desire to win. We never settled for second best. It would be nice to see a Presidential election where we have two candidates that are the best of the best and the result in November, 2016 would be the best for all of us in the spectrum of Americans. Each one of us is as individual as a snowflake and each one of us is important. In a Republic, such as the United States of America if there is one missing piece of the puzzle, it would not be complete.



It is over 50 years since the JFK incident. Those who followed my blog know that I believe this never happened. My followers also know that my brother delivered the papers in Taiwan on November 23, 1963 which would have been the same day as the incident since Asia is one day ahead of us. My brother's 50 years of service expired on August 20, 2012. The first reason I believe the incident never happened was because the people that protected him left JFK's limo. The Ford motor company designed the JFK limo and the partition was removed which if this was not a hoax it would have remained. Second Nixon always used the code "the bay of pigs" which meant that JFK was still alive. There were CIA in Dallas that day. Nixon arrived the day before to deliver a speech and launch the commercial of come alive we are in the Pepsi Generation. It was raining the day before when Nixon who worked for the real NSA always was video taped and the video that was released through the controlled media showed a man standing under an umbrella but it was not raining in Dallas during the JFK incident. Third Eisenhower who established Forte Meade was in the UN building the same day and would have known in live time if what was told by the media actually happened because the NSA would have stopped it. Johnson was supposed to have letters of impeachment delivered and knew that a video was supposed to be released to Red (Communist) China of JFK's speech which was stopped from being broadcast over the airwaves which the United States owns. In addition, Johnson ducked in his limo and his own agent thought he was deceased because he almost shot him when he entered the room unannounced. Lyndon Johnson was probably the target a police officer had been shot where Oswald's wallet was found who looked a lot like JFK. JFK and Reagan (a Democrat turned Republican) have the same eyebrow bridge of nose profile. Hollywood ties and the same actor Reagam was in Kenya in 1959. Reagan did movies with Marilyn Monroe which a book "Love Triangle shows Reagan was intimately involved with Marilyn, Reagan worked for GE Theater and the film "Committed" had an actor named "Kennedy" way before actor JFK was elected, Reagan helped with the airlifts along with Harvard Scholarships since William Holden his best man when he married Nancy owned the Safari Club in Kenya. The NSA knew about the Cuban Missiles (Bumpy Road) JFK viewed the bay of pigs in live time and the NSA reported the missiles to JFK even though JFK, who I believe was Ronald Reagan. Reagan feared Nixon and Reagan also feared J.Edgar Hoover. JFK also had students, like myself, hiding under desks as though there was an actual threat and, of course, my brother who worked for the same agency in a non-government status, told me about Red China's plan and how JFK got us into the Vietnam conflict with his Navy Seals. JFK used his own CIA and seal team in the Asian conflict so that Russia was no longer a threat. why else would Dwight Eisenhower establish the USAFSS/NSA in 1958 where Johnny Cash was a Russian Morse Code Interceptor when Eisenhower warned Americans about the Military Industrial Complex. Eisenhower established Fort Meade that was above JFK. So of course we had the cold war because Russia broke off ties with Cuba which had a secret space program along with Ukraine for the "Samson Option" under Krushev and Red China under JFK. The same agency that my brother worked for had an interceptor in Russia far more advanced than Morse Code which knew first hand about the 1968 USS Liberty incident which Navy Admiral John McCain Sr. along with Senator McCaine denied. Richard Helms knew the truth along with Jim Morrison's dad who was an Admiral like McCain's dad and the reason Nixon made Henry Kissinger Secretary of State. Kissinger was the coyote and Nixon was the roadrunner who left indelible footprints on the sands of time. JFK's look-a-like Reagan who wore a Mask got us into the cold war through his CIA in late 1979 in Afghanistan when our U.S treasury located in Puerto Rico invested in Russia Rubles valued at $58 Trillion in 2010. A Russian Interceptor met my brother in the bar we used to go to right before my brother landed in a nursing home in the end of June, 2008. It also happened in 2004 when he had acute gout right before my other brother died but my oldest brother managed to be healed at that nursing home. My brother was never supposed to be placed in a civilian nursing home because of his top secret clearance. I also know that my brother must have been brutally beaten to be hospitalized on June 30, 2008. When my brother's veterans' papers arrived in August of 2008 when my brother was walking and talking on his own, my brother had a stroke at Mountain City, Hazleton, Pennsylvania due to electronic stimulus in his muscles. In November of 2008, my brother was sent to Geisinger where I thought he was dead and when he was prevented from being Euthanized he was returned back to the same nursing home where he remains drugged, and silenced in a wheelchair. In March of 2015 he was transferred to a state nursing Veterans Home Gino Merli which was only supposed to be a brief stay which is located Scranton, PA which former Speaker Pelosi has ties to Scranton and made sure Paul Kanjorski was replaced. So I just wanted to post this because the 50 years will be expiring and the JFK incident will be closed for generations to come. Imagine if Eisenhower did not warn us about the Military Industrial Complex, also preventing Lyndon Johnson from being the target. Could you "imagine" what would have happened to those living in the United States under Communism if this staged JFK incident was real and the NSA did not always protect the United States and its allies. JFK knew in live time what happened to the real CIA in the bay of pigs incident. In Present time GE's CEO becomes our job czar and 24 plus million Americans are either unemployed or under employed. We are still seeing the same actors using pseudonyms and like the 42nd stated that this upcoming 2009 administration is a "Fairy tale" and the extreme right are trying to use his wife. The state department never handles missions only the executive branch can give a "Stand down order stating that four people was not optimal" in regards to Libya. Then using nonsense like a democracy through a majority when exit poles were used is contrary to a Republic in which each of us have rights that are granted by our creator and cannot be taken away. The United States is a Republic, our dollar is the reserve of the world, and we are the beacon of the world which is always protected by the real NSA who was above JFK. When JFK spoke about breaking up the C.I.A. into a thousand pieces, it proves that Poppy Bush who was part of the C.I.A. since C.G.H.Q of the British started it when he was in Yale Skull and Bones so that British passport Obama not Hillary would win in 2008 . Poppy Bush created the thousand points of light which is 1000 foundations which Ronald Reagan also funded (Reagan wore a mask like the Poppy Bush Red China C.I.A. also wore masks when Nixon was V.P. and why Nixon ran again). Reagan took the money out of the treasury to purchase Russian Rubles that ended the cold war and Poppy Bush became 41st for his New World Order and his thousand points of light which is his shadow C.I.A. that started Iran Contra Marc Rich put a secret pipeline from Iran to Israel while Barry Seal made the transfers to the thousand points of light from the bank which formed HSBC which James Comey was counselor which managed hedge funds to Lockheed Martin. JFK used a metaphor when he stated that he would break up the C.I.A. into a thousand pieces. He meant that the Poppy Bush C.I.A. would over shadow the Nixon Richard Helms C.I.A. that followed the chain of command of the Fort Meade C.I.A. and Bush funded his thousand foundations that is worth over $100 Trillion from the profit of the investments during the cold war which create1d a deficit to the U.S. Treasury after Clinton 42 balanced it from the social security fund. Under Obama James Comey was integrated with the John Brennan 17 agency along with five eyes which is now Spygate.


Privacy or freedom of enjoyment

Privacy is a word that is not found in our constitution. It also varies in its interpretation. Privacy was given up when people apply for a visa credit card just to consume more than they could ever afford. A perfect example is a shoppers' behavior on a black Friday for an item which never was even thought about in the first place. The marketing of commercialism uses catchy words that peak the interest of the consumer such as a hard K sound i.e. cloud. It is similar to watching a big screen movie without realizing subliminal items are marketed to the consumer like a soft drink product. A visa credit card company collects and stores data so it can use that information to promote which product the viewers of media must have. It is all about the oligarchy's profit and the bottom line. I would rather have a system that collects data with our best interests in mind. An example of best interest of we the people is having enough evidence along with information on a king pin and giving that information to the DEA to have a warrant for apprehension. A central base of data information should have enough data to know if a local, state or federal government is ignoring the people it is supposed to represent and intervene if the intent is for corrupt self interest or instant gratification. There is freedom of enjoyment that is necessary and the reason we live in a republic which varies from state to state in a democratic way since we now have an open door for changing a state's policies if the system is being abused. There is such a thing as entrapment and an individual's home is supposed to be his castle. They say we have privacy in our health but even congress has no idea what was is in Pelosi's healthcare tax since they are exempt and once signed the individual gives up his right to privacy without health insurance protection which we as citizens must and now have. Small businesses used to be the backbone of our economy but now have to know what the bottom line is to hire or let go of an employee. One should be aware of which agency is collecting its citizens' personal and private information. Most importantly, whether or not it will be used for political or economic gain such as a tax or even allowed for the best interest of a monopoly or country that does not have our best national interests in mind like Red China. Liberty, on the other hand, is granted by our creator to citizens of the United States of America. Liberty means not having to ask permission!



Dreamweaver is not a deep dream nor artificial intelligence. For example, the security services of the Air Force protects the President of the United States, and works with Admirals (D.O.D.) like the grand dad of Edward Snowden who did not get captured nor his sons and was part of Richard Helm's we the people C.I.A. After reading an article from David Wilcock on dreams, I reflected on a dream that I dreamed. There was a young girl in the dream who I knew to be four years old. This young girl looked exactly like me and there is no young girls at the present time nor this age that looks like the young girl in my dream. Another interesting part of the dream is that my brother was walking away in the dream yet he was in his mid teens. When I woke up I was in the dream yet this young girl was being carried. I was not carrying her. I did not realize until after I read the article on dreams that my brother was carrying me. My perception in the dream was how I felt without knowing I was the one being carried by my brother in the dream. I always said that if you dreamt it you already did it. This is true because this dream was a memory since I had no recollection of my brother ever carrying me. I also have no memory of myself at this age nor of my brother at that age. If I did not have this dream I would never know that my brother carried me and even protected me at a very young age. I guess that is why I always thought of him as a father figure. Dreams are amazing and probably are little bits and pieces of your life that actually happened and our memory is probably like a computer that stores everything yet cannot be reached unless we know how to access it. This is amazing because scientists of today who only use theories not facts are going through extremes to try to piece together our brain and DNA without taking into account our senses. In the future, we will look at these scientists similar to Frankenstein which was created from a dream. We cannot piece together our bodies like a puzzle, especially an area such as our DNA yet alone our brain. We are as different from each other as snowflakes in the snow. Once the memory is taken out of the equation and replaced with something else we will eventually have an evolution of a race created by a madman like Hitler. Remember these so called scientists have created what they call a human embryo, along with creating an ear with animal tissue, and all sorts of things without concept. Is this history repeating itself? Darwin proved what happened to species in an environment without concept. Did he find out more than what we were told such as another species called humans? Darwin, a man, was Catholic so there must have been madmen even then in very high places who did not know that inside the seed of life is the tree of life. Only the United States has a bill of rights to its citizens that was handed down to our forefathers by divine providence so that we would set a precedent for the world to prosper. The constitution is referred to as a piece of paper and can be amended unlike this divine right of our declaration of independence. Whatever this cabal is doing they are doing it in vain because we the people of the United States will always have our Bill of Rights. Like our creator, our bill of rights is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. If I did not read the article by Mr. Wilcox I would not piece together my very own dream. My followers know that my brother is USAFSS/ NSA that Dwight D.(Military) Eisenhower established of Fort Meade which waits (In God We Trust None Other) and that the NSA trusts no one but our creator.Julie Nixon married his grandson and danced with her Dad, Richard Nixon the civilian part of the NSA. My dream proves my brother has and always will protect me. I do not have to see him to know that. I almost thought after what he was put through that I should be protecting him. Now I know for certain that he pushed his wheelchair to my home in 2010 to take care of me and not the other way around and being a Vatican One Catholic he knows that Jesus is his truth and way and life since he found Saint Cabrini's relic (Every alter of Vatican one has a saint's relic for communion with saints). An elderly priest that was not called was sent to his bed in 2009 when he had his last rights.


Cheenee (Cheney)

Did you know Dick Cheney was the 44th President around July 16, 2007 (while W was undergoing a brief procedure and was sedated)? Just think what he would do in learning that North Korea's President visited Beijing! Just think also if Madelline Albright would have taken out Bid Laden after the USS Cole incident but instead needed to alert Pakistan. Or what if Leon Panetta would have paid attention to one's favorite book Darkness at Noon?



My first bikini was a very classy yellow lace one that covered the right areas completely, It was very suitable for a mature teenager like myself. It made the statement "Do you know you are beautiful". I just loved wearing it to the park and loved to sunbathe in it. My grandfather bought it for me. Young women used to be treated with dignity and respect and apparel was made to represent the natural beauty of those women who wore their styles. My mother always dressed in style and she passed her values on to me. Unfortunately, the so called women's movement changed our attitude towards young women of today. It is now all about greed, money and power to control women in every way, shape or form. Instead of young women following in their mother's footsteps and fathers making sure that their young ladies are treated with dignity and respect, the young women of today are following celebrities. These women portrayed as celebrities are apathetic and out of control. They project a style against natural beauty with no regard whatsoever of consequences nor values, promoting instant gratification. I am so proud of my parents for bringing me up in a world that made me feel so happy at all times and always enjoying being a woman. As my brother always said, "we are products of our environment".