It is over 50 years since the JFK incident. Those who followed my blog know that I believe this never happened. My followers also know that my brother delivered the papers in Taiwan on November 23, 1963 which would have been the same day as the incident since Asia is one day ahead of us. My brother's 50 years of service expired on August 20, 2012. The first reason I believe the incident never happened was because the people that protected him left JFK's limo. The Ford motor company designed the JFK limo and the partition was removed which if this was not a hoax it would have remained. Second Nixon always used the code "the bay of pigs" which meant that JFK was still alive. There were CIA in Dallas that day. Nixon arrived the day before to deliver a speech and launch the commercial of come alive we are in the Pepsi Generation. It was raining the day before when Nixon who worked for the real NSA always was video taped and the video that was released through the controlled media showed a man standing under an umbrella but it was not raining in Dallas during the JFK incident. Third Eisenhower who established Forte Meade was in the UN building the same day and would have known in live time if what was told by the media actually happened because the NSA would have stopped it. Johnson was supposed to have letters of impeachment delivered and knew that a video was supposed to be released to Red (Communist) China of JFK's speech which was stopped from being broadcast over the airwaves which the United States owns. In addition, Johnson ducked in his limo and his own agent thought he was deceased because he almost shot him when he entered the room unannounced. Lyndon Johnson was probably the target a police officer had been shot where Oswald's wallet was found who looked a lot like JFK. JFK and Reagan (a Democrat turned Republican) have the same eyebrow bridge of nose profile. Hollywood ties and the same actor Reagam was in Kenya in 1959. Reagan did movies with Marilyn Monroe which a book "Love Triangle shows Reagan was intimately involved with Marilyn, Reagan worked for GE Theater and the film "Committed" had an actor named "Kennedy" way before actor JFK was elected, Reagan helped with the airlifts along with Harvard Scholarships since William Holden his best man when he married Nancy owned the Safari Club in Kenya. The NSA knew about the Cuban Missiles (Bumpy Road) JFK viewed the bay of pigs in live time and the NSA reported the missiles to JFK even though JFK, who I believe was Ronald Reagan. Reagan feared Nixon and Reagan also feared J.Edgar Hoover. JFK also had students, like myself, hiding under desks as though there was an actual threat and, of course, my brother who worked for the same agency in a non-government status, told me about Red China's plan and how JFK got us into the Vietnam conflict with his Navy Seals. JFK used his own CIA and seal team in the Asian conflict so that Russia was no longer a threat. why else would Dwight Eisenhower establish the USAFSS/NSA in 1958 where Johnny Cash was a Russian Morse Code Interceptor when Eisenhower warned Americans about the Military Industrial Complex. Eisenhower established Fort Meade that was above JFK. So of course we had the cold war because Russia broke off ties with Cuba which had a secret space program along with Ukraine for the "Samson Option" under Krushev and Red China under JFK. The same agency that my brother worked for had an interceptor in Russia far more advanced than Morse Code which knew first hand about the 1968 USS Liberty incident which Navy Admiral John McCain Sr. along with Senator McCaine denied. Richard Helms knew the truth along with Jim Morrison's dad who was an Admiral like McCain's dad and the reason Nixon made Henry Kissinger Secretary of State. Kissinger was the coyote and Nixon was the roadrunner who left indelible footprints on the sands of time. JFK's look-a-like Reagan who wore a Mask got us into the cold war through his CIA in late 1979 in Afghanistan when our U.S treasury located in Puerto Rico invested in Russia Rubles valued at $58 Trillion in 2010. A Russian Interceptor met my brother in the bar we used to go to right before my brother landed in a nursing home in the end of June, 2008. It also happened in 2004 when he had acute gout right before my other brother died but my oldest brother managed to be healed at that nursing home. My brother was never supposed to be placed in a civilian nursing home because of his top secret clearance. I also know that my brother must have been brutally beaten to be hospitalized on June 30, 2008. When my brother's veterans' papers arrived in August of 2008 when my brother was walking and talking on his own, my brother had a stroke at Mountain City, Hazleton, Pennsylvania due to electronic stimulus in his muscles. In November of 2008, my brother was sent to Geisinger where I thought he was dead and when he was prevented from being Euthanized he was returned back to the same nursing home where he remains drugged, and silenced in a wheelchair. In March of 2015 he was transferred to a state nursing Veterans Home Gino Merli which was only supposed to be a brief stay which is located Scranton, PA which former Speaker Pelosi has ties to Scranton and made sure Paul Kanjorski was replaced. So I just wanted to post this because the 50 years will be expiring and the JFK incident will be closed for generations to come. Imagine if Eisenhower did not warn us about the Military Industrial Complex, also preventing Lyndon Johnson from being the target. Could you "imagine" what would have happened to those living in the United States under Communism if this staged JFK incident was real and the NSA did not always protect the United States and its allies. JFK knew in live time what happened to the real CIA in the bay of pigs incident. In Present time GE's CEO becomes our job czar and 24 plus million Americans are either unemployed or under employed. We are still seeing the same actors using pseudonyms and like the 42nd stated that this upcoming 2009 administration is a "Fairy tale" and the extreme right are trying to use his wife. The state department never handles missions only the executive branch can give a "Stand down order stating that four people was not optimal" in regards to Libya. Then using nonsense like a democracy through a majority when exit poles were used is contrary to a Republic in which each of us have rights that are granted by our creator and cannot be taken away. The United States is a Republic, our dollar is the reserve of the world, and we are the beacon of the world which is always protected by the real NSA who was above JFK. When JFK spoke about breaking up the C.I.A. into a thousand pieces, it proves that Poppy Bush who was part of the C.I.A. since C.G.H.Q of the British started it when he was in Yale Skull and Bones so that British passport Obama not Hillary would win in 2008 . Poppy Bush created the thousand points of light which is 1000 foundations which Ronald Reagan also funded (Reagan wore a mask like the Poppy Bush Red China C.I.A. also wore masks when Nixon was V.P. and why Nixon ran again). Reagan took the money out of the treasury to purchase Russian Rubles that ended the cold war and Poppy Bush became 41st for his New World Order and his thousand points of light which is his shadow C.I.A. that started Iran Contra Marc Rich put a secret pipeline from Iran to Israel while Barry Seal made the transfers to the thousand points of light from the bank which formed HSBC which James Comey was counselor which managed hedge funds to Lockheed Martin. JFK used a metaphor when he stated that he would break up the C.I.A. into a thousand pieces. He meant that the Poppy Bush C.I.A. would over shadow the Nixon Richard Helms C.I.A. that followed the chain of command of the Fort Meade C.I.A. and Bush funded his thousand foundations that is worth over $100 Trillion from the profit of the investments during the cold war which create1d a deficit to the U.S. Treasury after Clinton 42 balanced it from the social security fund. Under Obama James Comey was integrated with the John Brennan 17 agency along with five eyes which is now Spygate.