
Competition Rules

Competition is the best of the best. We the Yuppie Generation had the opportunity to be the best of the best because the boomers raised us. They were the Eisenhower generation of warriors that when a country endangered we the people and made a first strike in violation of our National Security we fought to win. The generation of the chess players who held the black knight to checkmate his opponent. We had anti-trust laws to prevent monopolies. We are at the point of an oligarchy of companies free of competition. Another example of competition was Steve Jobs. Larry Ellison his friend is also the best of the best with his company Oracle where hard drive and soft drive are integrated. Gus Fink is where art begins because he creates from his own ideas. I was amazed that an i-pod will not adapt to an app of Gus Fink's Miko and Cola. This is unbelievable because the United States has patent laws and artwork and descriptive text are copyrighted. A company like Apple, minus Steve Jobs, can produce worldwide with no regard for the United States which, by the way, we the people own those airwaves. Those fiber optic waves that were created by engineers like my brother in bell labs were for our protection. How did we get to where we are from generation of generation of achievers to buy into these hand held devices that hacked into hard drive codes mostly from Harvard and produced soft drive out of zero competition, no value and borrowed ideas with no regard for the best of the best? Well, we are seeing what happens when everyone is on the same playing field with no set rules, no competition, instant gratification, and speculative IPO's instead of stock certificates in hand. In a thoroughbred horse race, every horse is capable of finishing first. Americans used to say that I am an American because I can do anything with competition and the desire to win. We never settled for second best. It would be nice to see a Presidential election where we have two candidates that are the best of the best and the result in November, 2016 would be the best for all of us in the spectrum of Americans. Each one of us is as individual as a snowflake and each one of us is important. In a Republic, such as the United States of America if there is one missing piece of the puzzle, it would not be complete.