Equality versus Liberty
Too far left is communism, too far right is fascism yet the structure is the same for both extremes. Equality has nothing to do with liberty. Equality has to do with access to goods and services. For instance, the standard of education should be the same for all people of a particular governing body. This is the reason why justice was supposed to be blind. Our liberty, if one is a citizen of the United States, is given by each individual's creator and the entire reason that the United States is a Republic. Liberty means not having to ask permission. The governing leaders whether it be city, county, state or union are appointed and can be changed. Do not let someone with a lawyer's background, who gives allegiance to Great Britain when the attorney passes the bar examination, determine what happens to each citizen and puts us all in a collective situation. Each of us are unique and different as a snowflake but we all share the desire to have a purposeful life free of mandates. $750 Billion was taken out of the paid into medicare fund to pass a mandate of a health care tax on citizens but Congress was exempt. Medicare only covers 80% of seniors medical costs even though seniors paid for it and Medicare was distributed to the states in order for undocumented to receive free healthcare. When Beto was a Congressman he wanted to pass Medicare for all but no Democrat voted for it. Bernie was a socialist and promoted Medicare for all when he ran as a Democrat which is ironic. Now Beto is using Betonthestork since the O in O'Rourke means he is the grandson not the Grandfather who needs his paid into Medicare at no cost. Beto's stork delivers and Beto receives more money in one day than Bernie who actually won the 2016 Democrat Primary so it is evident that Bush 43 also from Texas put Beto on the ticket for one purpose so that 100% Saudi owned Aramco Oil in Houston, Texan will be listed on the London Stock Exchange because Trump won instead of JEB. C.I.A.Poppy'a little George knows who his friends are like Beto who also voted as a Congressman for "Big Oil".