

The sixty's sensation wrote a song about it. Our job czar's huge corporation refers to it as work which is an offshoot from the original broadcasting network. Monopolies promote what is rightfully the individual's world. The oligarchy's point of view looks at it from its perspective to get richer at our expense. Our access to this software is very expensive and time consuming. Kodak had an instamatic camera and patent laws granted Polaroid the right to take instant pictures. Those pictures were taken on the original Kodak came out of the imagination of the viewer. Those pictures should have been his intellectual property from the photographer's point of view. He took those pictures probably of his own family. Yet, with software of today, the very same Kodak is processed into Micrersoft and they have the rights to your photographs for fifty years if this type of software prints them. Kodak taken from the world's fair was used to expand your children's imagery. It used this technology and your children's imaginations to form this oligachy into the world of a mouse which owns another network. What happened to Hans Christian Anderson's original imagination of the little mermaid and why is it now owned by this mouse's world? Any photograph taken before 1963 and used into this software is copyright infringement. Each of us are as different as snowflakes but can work together to accomplish anything. Ideas come out of our own private imaginations. We are each so unique because of our imaginations. The oligarchy of all your individual imaginations uses it as its own and advertises on all of your combined ideas as if the oligarchy owns us all. The oligarchy collectively borrows our ideas. Stop using these junk products and their hacked software. Harvard software engineers were able to decode input out of the original hard drive of an IBM stretch computer. The original hard drive was linked to our central bank through the Federal Reserve routing system. When the first color television came out, Eisenhower made sure that each of us living in the United States got the same information at the very same time for free. That is why he started our National Security Agency to protect our citizens and warned us in his farewell address of the consequences of greed through a Military Industrial Complex. So why should software products produce pixel images that distort the original recordings and split the information into different versions, then spread the information worldwide without any checks and balances? It is our United States' right like Eisenhower informed each of us through the first color network broadcast that was transmitted immediately in his presence to get this information immediately as informed citizens. This information should be current and necessary through our owned airwaves for free to citizens in the United States because it is necessary for our liberties. Use your imagination each and every day. It is your individual right as you see the world as citizens in a free republic from your individual point of view. An idea out of your individual imagination can create something awesome today or in your child's future. Through this hacked software and hacking of fiber optic lines from the original Bell Laboratory, countries that promote communism are hacking our intellectual and copyrighted properties from each of us known as an individual's unique imagination. All three of these monopolies were viewed by the world at the 1963-1964 world's fair when Walt was present. Walt changed the artwork and original descriptive text from other countries and made it as his own through his "Mouse" contrary to our own individual right to our own imagination which opens up unlimited possibilities. This country through the balance of powers once set a precedent as a nation where each and everyone of us should prosper to improve the world and make it an awesome place for all to enjoy. Instead we have an oligarchy of greed that is trampling on our bill of rights that was granted by our creator. It would have been awesome if we started technology from an original idea such as Gus Fink Master Artist creating an interactive art appliance with a Google search engine that would be customized for children and used to obtain knowledge for a lifetime.