
Humans or Mankind?

Humans demand instant gratification collectively where everything is tolerated There are human resources in business and industry. Humanism is taught in graduate school and also in elementary through high school. I am aware of this difference in our constitution which is separate from our declaration of independence. It is done in a subliminal way, but one nation under god is shifted to each of us being a human being, then mandated through a tax known as Obamacare. The health care tax that was passed to benefit General Electric's British SERCO and some think one can reach divinity in this new age thinking. We are then categorized by economic, political and social status. We have shifted from our founding fathers who were influenced by divine providence granted by our creator. This opportunity was handed down to each of us in the United States of America so that each of us would live a purposeful life with freedom without asking permission. It was known as all men are created equal similar to King David's Psalm 84:11. Today mankind is replaced by human beings. I know the difference between humans and mankind. I know the difference from granted by my creator who deserves my respect and the theory of evolution of primates to human beings. This system was tried before when a person was taken from the Congo and placed in the Brooklyn zoo as a human animal in a cage for a group of elitists to watch. Man was never supposed to be separated from his creator nor should any man be worshiped because of his status. Without concept (soul) which is found only in man, the reverse of evolution is recreating humans without concept to become animals when mandates are forced to remove all liberties by apathetic individuals who act as Kings. Animals have spirit which guides through instinct. Man is always man because he has free will to choose his path. The creator who walks upright created man in his image. Our bill of rights are granted by our creator.