Tiger Stripes.
With the help of the British, Red China is trying to take over the world economically by the year of the Tiger. February 4, 2022 which starts the year of the Black Water Tiger. The Chinese god of wealth wants to once again ride the Black Water Tiger to end America's stars and stripes. If Red China succeeds, the United States will no longer be the beacon of the world. Red China is going to use Crypto currency since gold and silver do not represent prosperity under the year of the Black Water Tiger which occurs every 60 years. The last year of the Black Water Tiger was in 1962 when the Fort Meade NSA was in Kadena, Japan to stop communism. Since 2001, the United States of America are under British GCHQ which goes hand and hand with Red China. I predict the stock market will take a deep dive on February 5, 2022 since the numbers 6, 7, and 8 are bad luck under the Black Water Tiger. Japan traded with the gold backed yuan of Red China which was a mistake since Red China never forgets. Americans need to keep our dollar strong and only spend what they have at hand. America needs to only borrow against their own assets such as a home owner's line of credit instead of borrowing on credit through banks. Let us make America propsrous in 2022 by holding the tiger by its tail and ridding the Black Water Tiger of its stripes turning the Black Water Tiger's stipes to gold, silver and platinum and taking back our Liberty that made America great before 2020.
No one can replace Lucille Ball!
United States citizens may not realize that we own the airwaves and that included our love of comedy at its best which was "I Love Lucy"! My daughter loved watching "Lucy" and I approved of Lucy's natural image. When my Master Artist son was 10 years old, he created his artwork and descriptive text of his copyrighted original character "Sic" Man Fred registered in the Library of Congress in 1989. I wanted to make sure that Phillip Morris changed its image and back my son's character to keep the love of television and advertisers by promoting quality products not harmful products. Harmful products were used to promote "Lucy" watched by millions of American viewers on C.B.S. Phillip Morris refused to promote my young creative son and I am glad they did since my son grew up to become a true Master Artist known worldwide. Now the bad image of Phillip Morris remains with the "Ricardos" on a new network that is not owned by American citizens. Lucy had innocense and the new movie should be for a restricted viewing audience over 21! American Artists are the best of the best and should never be replaced by Actors who do not reflect the true character like "Lucy". The "Ricardos" trailer is not authentic nor true to "Lucy". "Ricardos" is not a reflection of United States citizens owned Broadcasting System remembrance of shows "we love". Advertisers should never promote false advertising!
It is amazing that school lunches are making the children stay hungry and yet labeled as "healthy". This is going to lead children to always have an insatiable appetite. They will rely on food stamps and food pantries always standing in line for the rest of their lives. A starved mind is also starving for knowledge because the hunger pains will be overwhelming. How can we campaign for a hungry child in our educational system yet at the same time show LBJ? LJB made sure that children of all walks of life got the best education. His system insured that every child was of equal importance including introducing his model of physical fitness awards. A healthy body needs nourishment. A satisfied child produces a physically fit child with an insatiable appetite for learning. The yuppie generation because of LJB received a quality education for all. Every child had opportunity to live a purposeful life. The Yuppie generation's potential was reached because every child did his best. There was competition to be the best of the best. Children were valued and every child had equal access to a quality education. LBJ was compassionate and always came to us with a heavy heart because he could not bear to see another generation like the boomers endure the costs of war. So he left office because he served a greater purpose which was to stop communism from coming to America. Only communism produces a hungry child to grow up as a hungry dependent adult to be buried in debt! It did not matter whether the child came from a one parent, two parent, or grandparent home. Every child got a quality education and was physically fit because of a series of exercises that developed a healthy body. Every student entered a school building with enthusiasm and all graduated knowing their full potential. Only a lottery gives everyone a fair shot! LBJ never used children as props to elevate his ego. LBJ invested in children's education instead of Camelot's Hollywood. LBJ kept it real and not a fairytale!
Protect Your Own
When I was 10 years old the neighborhood newspaper man tried to smother me. I walked my friend to the gate of the playground near my home, when this adult appeared after my friend was near her house. He told me that there was a snake nearby and for me to be careful. When I looked, he forcefully picked me up. He managed to take out the shoe laces from my sneakers and tied my hands and feet. He then carried me past the playground fence and down a hill, where i was placed on a long stretched rock. He then got on top of me and placed his hand over my mouth. He told me about the way a girl in my neighborhood was killed a few months prior and the details. He told me if I screamed he would do the same thing to me. I would have smothered, if I some how did not get loose on my right wrist. I twisted his face around his mouth with my hand and told him that God would never forgive him for killing a child. I stared at him in such a way that scared him and he ran off. There was no way that I could have gotten lose on my own. My oldest brother who was overseas at the time told me years later that he viewed the entire incident and got me out of the ties. I am glad I fought in that fight or flight moment and it made me stronger. If it was not for my brother, I would have been dead like the nine year old girl. The newspaper man who was about 18 always acted odd but no one paid attention. Perhaps, he overheard the details of that little girl's death and used it to scare me. Perhaps, someone who knew my brother was in Intelligence paid him (the paper man) since they go after the women and sisters. I was the only one who sent my brother letters through my dad to an undisclosed location. That is why men have to protect their own.
MaMa Moose The Bestest Day Starts Now
Be the best you can. The past is your history and the future is now. Only you have the power to change. Stop relying on others to do it for you. Start by making today the bestest day ever. Tomorrow, you can do the same. Sundays are good days to go for walks regardless of the weather. Just get up and start moving. People sit like couch potatos all day long. Either they watch television or surf the internet. Their days are filled with talking and texting. Most of the time the person on the receiving end is thinking about other things. You will be amazed how much better your life will be when you enjoy the present with its sights and sounds that surround you when you start walking. Everyone's life should be the bestest. I know bestest is not a word, but since my blog is copyrighted, I can choose whatever words I wish. Enjoy the present. It is your life and today is your gift.
Block by Block-It Starts With You
It starts with you to have the best environment. It starts with people helping people block by block. It starts with shopping locally to help your community. It starts with you to communicate face to face to bring your community together block by block like a puzzle which is only complete after all its pieces come together. It is up to you to create a safe, enjoyable environment. You are a product of your environment. It starts with you to give your children the best of the best of things that cost nothing like your smile, time, narrating a book, or doing artwork together. It starts with you to teach your children the basic communication skills that last forever which are the 3 basic R's of Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic It starts with you to teach your child to acquire knowledge by asking questions and finding the accurate answers, including solving any problem by finding the solution to the problem. It is up to you to allow your children to explore their world through adventure either by going to places or reading about those places. These basic tools require no money and are available to everyone. Set goals for your child and help your child enjoy the journey before reaching the goal. Start with a small goal so that your child can easily attain the goal and have the ability to reach another goal. Everyone is unique as snowflakes and has something to offer to better the community one wishes to live in. It is your responsibility to make sure that your child receives food, exercise, clothing and shelter Your most important gift to your child is love. Do your best and demand only the best education for your child. A good education provides the ability to compete and seek the best products, services and advise. Children should be protected by the people responsible for the child whether inside the home or outside the home such as in school. Take the initiative so that your child enjoys the present with all its sights and sounds. Never be apathetic if you see a neighbor struggling since a small act of kindness goes a long way. Kindness costs nothing and is an important stepping stone to optimum health, happiness and success.
The gift represents giving without expecting anything in return. The gift does not have to be wrapped. The gift can be your time, helping out a neighbor, babysitting, sharing a meal, sharing your skills, talents, or giving anything of value with no monetary value. A gift that is valuable is worth more than anything money can buy because it comes from the heart which is out of love that lasts forever. Create a poem, a letter, a painting, a sculpture that costs very little to make but is valuable to the receiver to enjoy and is timeless. We need to guide our children to create and express their uniqueness and the gifts they can bring to the world. Children need a strong foundation to discover what they do best to create a lasting impression throughout life. Adults should have their own businesses that represents what they do best to leave their gifts to the world of unlimited potential. Just because a child comes from a rich family that can buy expensive gifts it does not mean their gifts are more valuable nor should any child be called unfortunate. Everyone has special gifts and creativity is the greatest gift of all since children were granted gifts by their creator which include life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
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