It is amazing that school lunches are making the children stay hungry and yet labeled as "healthy". This is going to lead children to always have an insatiable appetite. They will rely on food stamps and food pantries always standing in line for the rest of their lives. A starved mind is also starving for knowledge because the hunger pains will be overwhelming. How can we campaign for a hungry child in our educational system yet at the same time show LBJ? LJB made sure that children of all walks of life got the best education. His system insured that every child was of equal importance including introducing his model of physical fitness awards. A healthy body needs nourishment. A satisfied child produces a physically fit child with an insatiable appetite for learning. The yuppie generation because of LJB received a quality education for all. Every child had opportunity to live a purposeful life. The Yuppie generation's potential was reached because every child did his best. There was competition to be the best of the best. Children were valued and every child had equal access to a quality education. LBJ was compassionate and always came to us with a heavy heart because he could not bear to see another generation like the boomers endure the costs of war. So he left office because he served a greater purpose which was to stop communism from coming to America. Only communism produces a hungry child to grow up as a hungry dependent adult to be buried in debt! It did not matter whether the child came from a one parent, two parent, or grandparent home. Every child got a quality education and was physically fit because of a series of exercises that developed a healthy body. Every student entered a school building with enthusiasm and all graduated knowing their full potential. Only a lottery gives everyone a fair shot! LBJ never used children as props to elevate his ego. LBJ invested in children's education instead of Camelot's Hollywood. LBJ kept it real and not a fairytale!