Gold and oil prices go hand in hand when they are purchased from foreign lands. Trillions of dollars in pensions are invested in stock to signal the commodities market to buy gold. Fool them and invest in silver which is around $16.50 an ounce. We are harvesting our land with corn and soybeans that are exported to Asia. Saudi Arabia purchased land in California for alfalfa. Why should Asia and Saudi Arabia who trade with gold backed yuan manipulate our dollar to inflate the price of oil. Oil was only to be purchased worldwide with Federal Reserve dollars which are the reserve of the world. Gold's real value is only about $35.00 an ounce since Nixon when he took our Treasury off of the gold standard and a barrel of oil should not exceed $40.00 which would make pump prices at around $1.89 per gallon for automobile fuel. Due to the toxic $600 Trillions casino bet derivative market that invested in counterfeit currencies including bitcoins, we are in hyperinflation. Homeowners lost their homes and the banksters bet against them instead giving out loans to persons who did not meet income standards. Since the mortgages were insured the banksters got paid, then placed homeowners under foreclosure when they either could not afford the utilities nor taxes or were hospitalized. Senior citizens who may have refinanced to help out their families were sent to nursing homes instead of returning to the homes they lived in for 30 years or more. Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway purchased these homes at a fraction of the cost. The standard gold to silver ratio is 16-1 which proves gold is hyper-inflated and Red China does not have a sustainable economic structure Only the United States has a sustainable economic structure For world prosperity, our federal reserve dollars are only to be used to purchase oil and be the beacon of the world Oil cannot be traded with yuan since gold is not currency and can be counterfeit. Then illegals through the dream act which went against our constitution used an excuse for the banksters and nursing homes to rent out these homes and helping the illegals finance the homes or receiving section 8 vouchers. Illegals went to Catholic Social Services county to county providing residence and allowing them to receive welfare including free medical and foodstamps. The system was set up with the Reagan administration when credit cards had inflated interest rates and liens were attached to the homeowners when they could not afford these skyrocketing rates to even make minimum payments. The same system worked when a credit card minimum payment was unable to be met after two months, the credit card companies called all the loans to be paid in full or have their home bought up by county lawyers in a sheriff's sale. When the majority of seniors retired even though they paid into social security for over 25 years, the social security bonds were used to pay off the federal deficit of the treasury and the seniors only had a life span of around 7 years after retiring with poor quality care. Individuals making over $117,000. do not pay into the social security system and that is a Ponzi scheme. Social security is not welfare. It is insurance and it should be paid to the beneficiary who has an insurable interest instead of it used for food stamps and Medicare funds paying for the new healthcare tax disguised as affordable. Keeping Americans dependent on welfare and food stamps whether it is from the extreme right or left is denying each individual's bill of rights. Communism and Fascism go hand in hand and only a few elites reap the benefits at the expense of the majority of Americans. This is why we have a balance of powers instead of a king. An audit should be done of the entire Treasury and find out who benefits. Only fortune 500 companies have vested stock options. IPO's are only worth the value they project. Anything can be put on paper or marketed like Bitcoins which can be counterfeit but only the United States Dollar has a system where every dollar is traceable and accountable. Our federal reserve dollars are the beacon of the world and is money for money's worth. Invest in silver now and into your golden years. We have hard assets such as silver in our federal reserve along with hundred of tons of gold and fixed assets with general warranty deeds including a self-sustainable economic structure through capitalism and money for money's worth.
Celtic Cross
When I returned back into my brother's life after not seeing him for four years, he was a changed man. He had a Celtic cross tattoo which many mistaken for a broken cross. He had me read up on Celtic history which proved that there was 13 tribes of Israel (12 of Jacob were all males) and a woman named Sarah was the only tribe faithful to Christ. Christ carried the Celtic Cross which was used in Navigation not like the legends of the Norse. I later learned that both my grandmother and grandfather were Celtic and this is our history. My brother knew how to test me and tried every way to make me disprove Christ's existence. He even taught me about Lilith, the first wife of the true Adam who went back to the demi-god creator. Many are unaware that Jesus died on the cross of slavery and they forgot he was a King from the lineage and root of King David who prayed under a Tabernacle (tent) not in a temple like Solomon. I read books that my brother had not read and we discussed my interpretations. My brother read thousands of books when he stayed with our mother. Now he had a huge house full of antiques and owned an apartment building next to it. He was such a different man than the one I saw four years prior. He found a relic of Saint Cabrini when he sold antiques. He told me the story of how he found the J ring or Female Ring of the 33rd degree Mason and how he destroyed it. That story made no sense. I read books about this type of Mason and about Dante. The people that admired the ring which represented the Female ring (J) he spoke of had quickly accumulated wealth but after he found it he lost everything. He eventually lost all the wealth he acquired in a lifetime. After my visit with him today, I thought about this and wrote this blog. The B male ring was given back to the third degree masons.
The Puzzle
There is a power struggle going on. When General Electric put the face of its character Reagan who shifted from the left to the right side of the political spectrum was a time when little girls were just eye candy. General Electric was like the wizard behind the curtain and the silver shoes Dorthy originally wore were changed to a primary color red by Hollywood with its white out of the American broadcasting network to its media controlled satellites. They forgot that the little girl also from California was from the left of the spectrum and she always knew Dorothy wore silver slippers. Oz was just a dream and she always had her two feet where she wanted them. She became the puppet master of the Political Spectrum of the American owned air waves through its rainbow informed network. She followed her own path. General Electric has forgotten her but her signature healthcare did not. General electric's Job Czar was not put there by her. General Electric is part of SERCO. The job czar only holds allegiance to General electric and controls the job numbers which are a false positive. The silver shoes are now controlled by J.P Morgan Stanley which also issues the SNAP electronic billing transactions and the same treasury issues the debit checks sent out waiting for all the Federal Reserve dollars to be shifted back to the treasury like the first Camelot JFK. There is no longer a hard check and the federal reserve dollars issued to the treasury are now sent through electronic transactions. The Bit coin replaced the silver currency and unlike the original currency can be counterfeit. A signature is also a mark. Crypto can only be found by the Puzzle Palace. RCA communications was started by General Electric going back to Edison whose ideas were a mere reflection of Tesla. She knows we need a strong leader like IKE and not a controlled figurehead to fullfil her legacy.
Definition of change: coins of small denomination regarded collectively. Opposite of what Nelson Rockefeller wanted in his campaign "There is a change that is coming to America which was never aired and the face of the Republican party was replaced by Actor Ronald Reagan who ironically started out as a Democrat. Once again, in my opinion, the non vetted "Hope and Change" character was created by elite extreme right wing individuals like Willard "Mitt" Romney whose father he stated was a white, non-Hispanic Mexican and he never wanted to win to run against the same character a person like him created in the first place. Social Security would have been placed in a lockbox under Al Gore who was announced as the winner over the American owned airwaves that was denied by Saudi Prince Alaweed's ownership of Fox news then W.'s used Roberts who ended up on the supreme court that mandated the healthcare tax and was funded by Social Security which resulted in Senior citizens going to Nursing homes instead of receiving their paid into Medicare. Obamacare is Medicare given to the states to distribute to residents instead of citizens and that is why Bernie wanted Medicare for all to bankrupt the system. Congress has the safe effective healthcare plan exempt from Obamacare and guaranteed pensions. In 2007 Nancy Pelosi was the speaker of the house and she has both Republic and Democratic Italian ties to Scranton, Pennsylvania like Lou Barletta, the replacement of Pennsylvania representative Paul Kanjorski, who went from mayor of a former All american City where Giuliani's wife grew up to Congressman. General Electric lobbied to Pelosi who went to Syria in 2007 with her ties to Leon Panetta who hired Monica. How else could she put someone in a position where she could lead from behind and divide citizens? Pelosi went to the Catholic Churches first and illegals got all the support they needed for free food, housing, clothing and shelter to rent out homes that were foreclosed from hard working citizens due to hardship after two months of not being able to meet their mortgage payments. People who could not afford a mortgage in the first place got instant help when they no longer made their payments which started the mortgage derivative fraud from leverage casino type betting against the homeowner. The mortgage companies were insured and lost nothing So do a forensic audit of the United States Treasury instead of trying to convince everyone that our Federal Reserve is making money from nothing. Congress funds the Treasury, the IRS is part of the Treasury even though it is located in Puerto Rico, and the healthcare tax is mandated by the IRS which Pelosi started yet it does not carry her mark known as a signature. Does everyone really want to be short changed literally receiving coins while Bitcoins are being used which can be counterfeit or worse yet gold backed yuan being traded with yen or for Saudi oil instead of our Federal Reserve dollars which are the beacon of hope for the world to get out of poverty from a Military Industrial Complex? General Electric's Oligarchy is a partner with SERCO who manages the healthcare mandate. Once again, the question is: Does everyone want a life which will ultimately lead to poverty which several global elitists will rule if we do not stop this nonsense? In 2008 instead of leaving Susan Rice preside over the United Nations, the non vetted held two titles in 2009 after the dual sworn oath to uphold the constitution to the same person who approved of the healthcare tax mandate who was the justice appointed by the previous administration. At least the new 2016 jump suits represent the person who always dreamed of being an Astronaut!
Wake Up From the Dream
For the best interest of our Republic we need strength in numbers that unite us not divide us. We need a chess player who knows how to win with the right strategy. Someone who stands for success. We need to take back our Greatness by uniting all American citizens of the United States. The United States of America Motto is In God We Trust because America is the beacon of the world. We need a winner because a winner only knows how to win. We need to build America up city by city not a North American union that created a southern border in Mexico. This allowed free access to illegals coming across the United States border yet not accessible to United States Citizens because a passport is needed since 2009 for citizens to go to Mexico or Canada. Islamic Fascism allowed Hitler's army to cross the sword with the sword of destiny and Red China is meeting with Persia (Iran) trading with its gold backed yuan outside our Federal Reserve dollars. Same with Saudi Arabia which is united with Pakistan. Goldman Sachs avoids Wall Street allowing Communist Red China to buy United States Treasury notes directly from the United States Treasury outside our Federal Reserve system. We forgot to mention British Iraqi billionaire Nhami Auchi wanted to build a pipeline from Iraq to Saudi Arabia or is it now all about the Levant's pipelines to Qatar? Where does that leave Israel since she is capable of defending herself and will soon be a key player in the natural gas and oil industry of the Master Chessboard?
70 Years to Make a Generation
It takes 70 years to make a generation. Ike's World War II veterans won and their fathers who fought World War I also won. The First War was to be the end of all wars and this generation is becoming the lost generation for everyone born during Ike's generation including their children and grandchildren which is now. The media is covering infotainment while the men who won these world wars were kept silent. These men were thankful to live in a nation where their children and grandchildren lived purposeful lives as informed and educated citizens with allegiance to the flag that brought them home free. This forgotten generation are dying in nursing homes alone and abandoned. Now we have the new generation of hope and change but they do not realize that we are all one generation since they are misinformed with fake news appearing as real The parent is judged by the adult child who believes he knows it all without experience nor research. History is whoever tells the story and the media does not realize the sacrifices that were made. Will America be censored like the youth of Red China? In Red China they have no knowledge of what happened in 1989 or that North Korea is the smile on Red China's face. They live in an artificial capitalism but are in reality living under communism. Red China is not our ally! We cannot forget that Russia helped us in World War II. There is a difference between choosing to be silent because you want to forget the past and being mandated to being silence. American kept their liberties that we all won because we won those wars. Veterans of Foreign wars are being silenced in a nursing home for no reason at all in civilian and state veterans homes across our lands abandoned, hungry and left in wheelchairs overly medicated by whoever benefits from their life insurance and assets. In America we fight to win! Those veterans were supposed to be medically and financially independent for the rest of their lives by the Veterans Fund which is outside of the United States Treasury. A United States Vietnam Air Force Security Services/NSA Fort Meade non-government 5-A Red China interceptor should not be silenced, drugged and left in a wheelchair at a State Veterans Nursing home Gino Merli in Scranton, Pennsylvania as though he never served in the military. He is proof the Veterans of Foreign War who got spit on when they returned home who are now retired and never received benefits, liberties nor healthcare they were entitled to. An older brother protects his sister and I was the only one who wrote to him when my father sent my letters overseas at a non-disclosed location and I will be his voice now since he always protected me. Japan started putting the elderly in nursing homes and we are becoming like Japan. It is like Pelosi's so called Obamacare which she mandated on a signature that was never vetted by her but she put it through the Supreme Court as a tax which was her signature act of Congress which abandons our Veterans of Foreign War's right to Life. To mandate is to force and she forcefully put it through as Speaker of the House. She knew it was done to replace our bill of rights, which are outside the constitution that she swore and oath to, because citizens including Veterans bill of rights were granted by our creator.
It Takes Money to Make Money
The people that are born with a silver spoon will tell you over and over again if you want to get ahead work hard or expect nothing. If you believed them, the average waitress who is overworked would be the richest. A man who graduated in the early sixties could be at the top of his class, have good looks, personality and live the rest of his life on low wages if he grew up in the so called middle class. His so called friends whose dads were rich got to go to the best colleges and earned high wages throughout their lives. If that very same man with the good looks and personality learned that it takes money to make money, he would get below average grades yet pass, join the Air Force, use his photographic memory and learn how to make a lot of money, along with spending a lot of money.
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