
70 Years to Make a Generation

It takes 70 years to make a generation. Ike's World War II veterans won and their fathers who fought World War I also won. The First War was to be the end of all wars and this generation is becoming the lost generation for everyone born during Ike's generation including their children and grandchildren which is now. The media is covering infotainment while the men who won these world wars were kept silent. These men were thankful to live in a nation where their children and grandchildren lived purposeful lives as informed and educated citizens with allegiance to the flag that brought them home free. This forgotten generation are dying in nursing homes alone and abandoned. Now we have the new generation of hope and change but they do not realize that we are all one generation since they are misinformed with fake news appearing as real The parent is judged by the adult child who believes he knows it all without experience nor research. History is whoever tells the story and the media does not realize the sacrifices that were made. Will America be censored like the youth of Red China? In Red China they have no knowledge of what happened in 1989 or that North Korea is the smile on Red China's face. They live in an artificial capitalism but are in reality living under communism. Red China is not our ally! We cannot forget that Russia helped us in World War II. There is a difference between choosing to be silent because you want to forget the past and being mandated to being silence. American kept their liberties that we all won because we won those wars. Veterans of Foreign wars are being silenced in a nursing home for no reason at all in civilian and state veterans homes across our lands abandoned, hungry and left in wheelchairs overly medicated by whoever benefits from their life insurance and assets. In America we fight to win! Those veterans were supposed to be medically and financially independent for the rest of their lives by the Veterans Fund which is outside of the United States Treasury. A United States Vietnam Air Force Security Services/NSA Fort Meade non-government 5-A Red China interceptor should not be silenced, drugged and left in a wheelchair at a State Veterans Nursing home Gino Merli in Scranton, Pennsylvania as though he never served in the military. He is proof the Veterans of Foreign War who got spit on when they returned home who are now retired and never received benefits, liberties nor healthcare they were entitled to. An older brother protects his sister and I was the only one who wrote to him when my father sent my letters overseas at a non-disclosed location and I will be his voice now since he always protected me. Japan started putting the elderly in nursing homes and we are becoming like Japan. It is like Pelosi's so called Obamacare which she mandated on a signature that was never vetted by her but she put it through the Supreme Court as a tax which was her signature act of Congress which abandons our Veterans of Foreign War's right to Life. To mandate is to force and she forcefully put it through as Speaker of the House. She knew it was done to replace our bill of rights, which are outside the constitution that she swore and oath to, because citizens including Veterans bill of rights were granted by our creator.