
Gus Fink

The true artist plays it straight. Wake up and realize art is a global asset that appreciates more than anything. Art also inspires, is essential and life without art is stupid. Appreciate and support Gus Fink because his art matters. Stop wasting your time and hard earned money on elite media nonsense. They are promoting media infotainment. This is confusing young minds who are being brainwashed. The youth will eventually be unable to recognize truth from fantasy. Art should go hand and hand with science which, by the way, is knowledge based on facts not theory. We are moving backwards. Parents are more involved with media interaction than the development of their children. Children need to have a strong and healthy mind accompanied by exercise. Every muscle in their growing bodies has to be developed. Real leaders used to give out fitness awards for performance that met certain standards So, think smart and invest in art for a sensible future of meeting of the minds with tangible books (with covers) and visionary art. These techs are infringing on copyrighted artwork and descriptive text with their e-books and pixel image soft drives overriding the true visionary artist. These elitists hack information through hand-held devices. Art is good for body, mind and soul. An affordable piece of art such as a Gus Fink custom art will be worth a great deal down the road. So enjoy the road less traveled for it will offer an experience to your best life ever. The untalented tell them all the time to work hard or expect nothing. This negativity makes the audience apathetic. Artists are expected to go hungry and unnoticed. These tech people and theory scientists are incapable of creating anything original. They borrow ideas and use innovations from visionary artists. The media promotes violence in movies and video games targeted at teens. There are even theories that creativity is a mental defect such as Van Gogh's art. This is done to isolate teens for profit. This pushes the teens out of interaction within the present and their own community. It transfers a teen's interaction towards a social network of strangers. It also promotes couch potatoes. A healthy body is essential for a healthy strong mind. This type of interaction of young minds will stop their ability to think and create. Eventually, free enterprise will be eliminated by a multi media monopoly targeting teens who will grow up having no incentive to work nor become responsible adults. They are losing their communication skills and becoming desensitized. Art and descriptive text should be looked at in a positive manner. An artist can make due on a shoestring income that goes a long way. An artist is independent and resourceful. An artist does not say "I am starving" like the media influenced people out there. The media wants the youth dumb downed and obese. Youth are targeted and used as a commodity. These elites are only interested in promoting their product and do not care about the end result. Youth are unable to add together two numbers yet highly finger developed to take pictures and communicate on tech devises. They can only push buttons or touch the screen to produce pixel images. This gives the youth only the power to interact and overcome the images on the screen. People are starving for instant gratification. How creative is that? The youth will be unable to take charge of their own lives and unable to earn a decent living. Money should be given for money's worth known as consideration. Why not have consideration for the true visionary artist like Gus Fink who represents history in the making? A work of art is a valuable asset. So why not promote the artist? Instead, commercials are promoting the product while ridiculing the artist. Buying a Gus Fink original is a good investment since his artwork is in demand by collectors worldwide. Facebook Gus Fink, visit his Instagram with the scary cat, Google Gus Fink or get a commissioned art at gusfink@hotmail.com. Gus Fink copyrighted his artwork and descriptive text in the library of congress when he was only 10 years old-the year Tim Burton directed Batman. His copyrighted art at that time was the artwork and descriptive text for his character 'Sic' Man Fred. Gus Fink is an original artist ranging from cute to Horror Art. Four times more data than was collected in the library of congress was stolen from the United States in 2010. Pixel images done by a computer are not art. Gus Fink world known Master artist depicts his vision in his art. Your child's imagination starts with art as early as imagination developing at play time starting at three to five begins the process for your child to become an entrepreneur. Imagine your child's future potential when adulthood begins with an entrepreneur foundation of a plethora of opportunities. The drawing boards of future products start with art.


Moose Day

It is the wonderful time of the year. On December 21, 2013 we entered into the golden age of Capricorn. So celebrate Moose Day instead of going along with nonsense. Consumerism is banned for this celebration and it lasts each and every day until you decide to stop. Everyone drinks white hot chocolate and eats marshmallows. It is full of joy and celebration. We all possess eternal life of our mind and soul. So rejoice for this Moose day is a gift of external happiness that comes from within. Then bid on Gus Fink Ebay to enjoy animal spirits that will make you smile all year long. We all need an animal spirit that brings joy and happiness each and every day. Gus Fink's original creation on you tube is his "Santa Moose" and he is around everyday to celebrate each new day! So enjoy the great outdoors celebrating each day as "Moose Day".



The birth of Jesus, the man, is an historic event. Kings from afar brought him gifts, knelt, and adored him. He was born in Israel. People can celebrate any way they want and that is great because his mother was an Essene of Peace. Jesus, the King, the root of King David, gave us his gift of unconditional love. We have to live in a time of apathy and tolerate a fourth branch of characters contrary to our bill of rights. The establishment of a one world religion of humanism replaces our beliefs and mandates through a healthcare tax through the change they see fit with its hope to control us by using the media. This is contrary to our Declaration of Independence of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness granted by our creator to us as citizens living in the United States. This is the reason our national motto was changed to in God we trust during the Eisenhower administration and under God was added to our pledge of allegiance. Eisenhower also made sure that we, as citizens, would be immediately informed through television when he formed the Fort Meade NSA whose motto is in God we trust none other. Our founding fathers established our nation when they broke away from tyranny. We gained our independence when Cornwallis surrendered. Now our rights are taken away on a daily basis and we like sheep watch propaganda infotainment. We have given up living our daily happy and successful lives. These rich elitists profit on us and this will continue until we become the elitists' commodities. Forcing us to be dependent until we all lose everything is contrary to our Bill of Rights. Wake up! The opposite of love is indifference.



Art is a worthwhile investment. Think smart and buy Master Worldwide Artist Gus Fink art. Then watch it on your wall and use all that positive energy to grow the value of your masterpiece. Dream of all the things you can do when you become rich off your art purchase because you are what you think you are. Your new investment in art will make you feel rich. Think about it. It is the gift that keeps on giving more and more money as the demand gets stronger. The affordable masterpiece of today can make everyone feel rich and maybe it will be worth millions. You can also purchase an original Gus Fink children's book, plushes, and app designed by this original master artist. Shop around and let your imagination explore his original works of art created by Gus Fink that your children or grandchildren can enjoy and is within your budget. Again, an investment in art is a valuable choice. Check out Gus Fink on face book for Horror to fun art, along with his Doc Krinkles line of toys and apps, and the new line of plush Goolies and Kreebils. There are also Gus Fink Miko and Cola plush cats and book (watch them on you-tube), chubby robots, and Monster gooli bags. These items are created and designed by this original Master artist. Your bag of gifts should be filled with a list full of art. Check out Gus Fink horror art on ebay or any of his original outsider art, or get your custom commissioned artwork that will make the greatest present ever. Just google Gus Fink or check out his Gus Fink facebook page. Items of Gus Fink can also be bid on ebay. For his toys, art or apps not listed on ebay you can paypall him direct at gusfink@hotmail.com for the very best of art, plush toys, apps, t-shirts. monster bags, or anything else custom made just for you. Also check out the blogspot of Gus Fink and Dr.Krinkles or Creeplings.com to become Moosefully Artfully Rich. A recent collaboration I did with him titled "Queen of Wishful Thinking" was recently purchased in France. Subscribe to his Gus Fink YouTube channel and share with your friends. His new line of toys reach the Creeplings Kickstarter which are pocket size toys and will be available to those who pledge and there will be a Creeplings toys available for children three and up or even for adults as collectibles. Face book Gus Fink for a commission of anything in art from painting to sculptures of your choice. Amazing how rich you can become these days through art, especially from a Master Artist like Gus Fink who copyrighted his artwork and descriptive text in the Library of Congress when he was only 10 years old!


Everyone should own a fat cat or at least a Gus Fink original artwork of cats or Gus Fink Original Art adorable cat toys. You can go to Gus Fink on ebay, Facebook or just google Gus Fink for a commissioned cats artwork or sculpture. They really make for great days. His new Gus Fink Kick starter had reached his goal this time. So many will be receiving his Big Fun Stuff Book along with cool fun stuff. Also his pocket size Creeplings Kickstarter has recently reached its goal. Check out his new line of stuffed toys known as Stitch Kittens for boys, girls, tweens, teens and adults to love and collect. They are even cuter cats than the original stitch kittens. You can see them on Gus Fink Facebook. Be happy with the things you have and you can be even happier owning a Gus Fink cat. Check out Gus Fink art from Horror to cute. I recently sold a collaboration with him which was purchased by a woman in France. His Gooli bags are a hit worldwide in such places like Tokyo, Japan and you can get his Gooli Monster Man Bag directly from him. Better yet check out his Dr.Krinkles' top secret laboratory of creations from Kreebils (direct from the moon) to his gooli collections, plush toys, plastic capsule toys, cats such as Miko or Cola, books, apps. or art on Facebook or Gus Fink on Ebay. Close your eyes and think about Gus Fink, Master Outsider Original Artist, then turn this imagination into reality by purchasing his visionary creations. So bring some happiness into your life with Gus Fink cats. Cats make great days even better.


Derivitives and Elitists

We are becoming subjects of apathetic elitists. People do not realize that the supercomputers have moved into the commodities market because they would have been charged with insider trading if they kept the money in the stock market too long. Trades are bought and sold in a few second increments. Elitists are taking advantage of the average person living in the United States. There is a a hugh gap between the elite super rich and the others. They patent vaccines and license crops. They are totally obsessed with themselves and demand media coverage. They made bad investments in China. Gasoline has skyrocketed because the demand is lower worldwide than the amount of oil that is produced worldwide. Oil and gold prices go hand in hand. India and China trade gold for oil. China directly trades the yen with the Japanese yuan and now South Korea. They no longer use our dollar as the reserve of the world. Nixon stopped gold from being traded for oil. Our gold was worth $35.00 back then and it is still worth only $35.00 an ounce now since our dollar was and still is the world reserve. Social security is an insurance guaranteed to our seniors. We need to wake up and go out there and use our ideas and innovations to start a small business. There are trillions of dollars worth of lithium and other minerals in Afghanistan that can be used for battery operated electric cars and cell phones. Nursing homes delete an individual of all assets and eventually use medicaid fraud burdening the states resources that go unchecked. They even use multiple social security numbers. After all, that is why our social security system is a mess because the money was borrowed and used as an illusion to make it look like the budget was balanced back in the late 90's with the start of the derivatives market which casino bet against the homeowners. Of course, the budget was not balanced and the debt to social security was never paid back. They are covering this up by taking the money allotted and paid into medicare and funding medicaid through Madame Speaker's healthcare tax for all except unions who hold the big derivatives market pensions. Soon they will wait for a margin call, and move the gold since oil was bought at $125.00 a barrel and is now trading around $85.00. We are still paying double for oil and gasoline because China and India are using gold as a reserve and not our dollars. This is counterfeiting because gold is a 5,000% inflated price. Realize our income tax is a war tax, so they need the additional healthcare tax. Realize the back room deals with the drug companies that amounted to $8.3 Trillion. They talk about a dent of $30 Billion in healthcare costs. Realize they are leveraging your taxes and making at least $100.00 for every dollar which these elitists have leveraged to $288 Trillion for themselves. You pay taxes into the treasury which owes the social security system bonds and the treasury is getting $45 Trillion back from the NY Fed. Reserve where the treasury secretary worked and not from our central bank. It was a bank gangster style scheme and there are $600 trillion toxic leverages from our mortgages of the original general warranty deeds from our land ownership. This was done to farmers before the 1929 crash and the wizard of oz book was written because of the silver certificates and silver was the color of the original Dorothy's shoes that sent the owners of these farms into a vortex. The people who lived in the originally titled insured deed ownership lost their homes because of this fraud and their original lender no longer holds their mortgages. This is prostituting our land. The same thing is happening since 2007, the homes of original borrowers were foreclosed, instead of these mortgages being free and clear, the owners were kicked out of their homes and these homes were flipped and rented to illegals who are now legal and and in 2012 repurchased through the new bond market to Brazilians and Asians. Gasoline prices are skyrocketing yet on the commodities market the price is at least $30.00 per barrel less than it was in 2008 and we paid $1.89 per gallon. Saudi and China are building a pipeline and we have yet to connect to our Canadian friends but JP Morgan like with the farms and the original OZ is investing in Canadian land. We the people are left with change in your pockets, nothing more, until we the people's money goes off the fiscal cliff which is the vote for Cornwallis revenge since all lawyers swear an oath to Great Britain. We now answer to the UN who our leader who has a British passport was the first one to preside over the UN. Red China still owes us $1 Trillion in bonds that were never paid back since World War II so I call this zero balance that our Treasury owes nothing to Red China who now manipulates current. Stop confusing our US owned companies which we expanded there with their government owned companies which now own General Motors. Stop confusing our treasury who taxes us with our central bank which prints the $35.00 an ounce gold backed legal tender. 50 million seniors like my much older brother know that their paid into social security is an issurance fund and should have been placed into a lockbox ourtside our Treasury which funds so called entitlements like Welfare and their banks profit on SNAP electronic fees. Our central bank holds our general warranty deeds and the new mortgage notes and has a full accounting of the exact time and location of each and every dollar bill and note and our social security fund is guaranteed and backed by our central bank. All the other banks are banksters since our Treasury is funded from Puerto Rico and it traded outside of Wall Street worldwide delivering these toxic derivitives and already collected the insurance swaps that bet against the homeowners that lost everything. Yet these banksters' are still operating and profiting on the original homeowners losses and the homes are turned over and flipped, then rented out even though the original mortgages are free and clear but leveraged. People that should never have gotten a mortgage in the first place are free to live in their homes yet the good credit outstanding homeowners get foreclosed when a sickness or job loss occurs even though the original lender got paid in full from these insurance swaps known as derivitives. This in my opinion is insurance fraud. This happened to my brother while he was in a nursing home. Now someone else occupies his home and apartment and receives rental incomes on his loss of all assets yet never notified him. I call this an illegal search and seizure since he had title insurance and his mortgage that was owed to Morgan Stanley division of J.P. Morgan (Chase) was to be paid directly out of his closed checking account that had direct deposit authorization of his social security checks and his mortgage was a small percentage of the value of his properties. Seniors are not receiving their paid into guaranteed and insured social security when they reach the age of 62 or retirement age for those who made under $100,000.00 per year. The elites do not pay into the social security fund and illegals obtain hacked social security numbers.

Music is Our Time Machine

After watching Tom Cruise in his performance as a rock and roll singer, I see Dianetics. It is the music in our hearts that make us live forever. This is what is happening to the people born in the 1950's. Their music stopped. Bring back Motown. Bring back the music to the cities that are going bankrupt. Watch them come alive. It is music that captures our dreams and the sounds change time. Our music is our time machine. Bring back live bands and dancing. Put down the hand held devices and take the initiative to enjoy the present with all its sights and sounds. Sound travels. Dreams can envision anything. Let your imagination soar with creativity. Then sit back and watch the cities regenerate.