Everyone should own a fat cat or at least a Gus Fink original artwork of cats or Gus Fink Original Art adorable cat toys. You can go to Gus Fink on ebay, Facebook or just google Gus Fink for a commissioned cats artwork or sculpture. They really make for great days. His new Gus Fink Kick starter had reached his goal this time. So many will be receiving his Big Fun Stuff Book along with cool fun stuff. Also his pocket size Creeplings Kickstarter has recently reached its goal. Check out his new line of stuffed toys known as Stitch Kittens for boys, girls, tweens, teens and adults to love and collect. They are even cuter cats than the original stitch kittens. You can see them on Gus Fink Facebook. Be happy with the things you have and you can be even happier owning a Gus Fink cat. Check out Gus Fink art from Horror to cute. I recently sold a collaboration with him which was purchased by a woman in France. His Gooli bags are a hit worldwide in such places like Tokyo, Japan and you can get his Gooli Monster Man Bag directly from him. Better yet check out his Dr.Krinkles' top secret laboratory of creations from Kreebils (direct from the moon) to his gooli collections, plush toys, plastic capsule toys, cats such as Miko or Cola, books, apps. or art on Facebook or Gus Fink on Ebay. Close your eyes and think about Gus Fink, Master Outsider Original Artist, then turn this imagination into reality by purchasing his visionary creations. So bring some happiness into your life with Gus Fink cats. Cats make great days even better.