

Everyone should own a fat cat or at least a Gus Fink original artwork of cats or Gus Fink Original Art adorable cat toys. You can go to Gus Fink on ebay, Facebook or just google Gus Fink for a commissioned cats artwork or sculpture. They really make for great days. His new Gus Fink Kick starter had reached his goal this time. So many will be receiving his Big Fun Stuff Book along with cool fun stuff. Also his pocket size Creeplings Kickstarter has recently reached its goal. Check out his new line of stuffed toys known as Stitch Kittens for boys, girls, tweens, teens and adults to love and collect. They are even cuter cats than the original stitch kittens. You can see them on Gus Fink Facebook. Be happy with the things you have and you can be even happier owning a Gus Fink cat. Check out Gus Fink art from Horror to cute. I recently sold a collaboration with him which was purchased by a woman in France. His Gooli bags are a hit worldwide in such places like Tokyo, Japan and you can get his Gooli Monster Man Bag directly from him. Better yet check out his Dr.Krinkles' top secret laboratory of creations from Kreebils (direct from the moon) to his gooli collections, plush toys, plastic capsule toys, cats such as Miko or Cola, books, apps. or art on Facebook or Gus Fink on Ebay. Close your eyes and think about Gus Fink, Master Outsider Original Artist, then turn this imagination into reality by purchasing his visionary creations. So bring some happiness into your life with Gus Fink cats. Cats make great days even better.


Derivitives and Elitists

We are becoming subjects of apathetic elitists. People do not realize that the supercomputers have moved into the commodities market because they would have been charged with insider trading if they kept the money in the stock market too long. Trades are bought and sold in a few second increments. Elitists are taking advantage of the average person living in the United States. There is a a hugh gap between the elite super rich and the others. They patent vaccines and license crops. They are totally obsessed with themselves and demand media coverage. They made bad investments in China. Gasoline has skyrocketed because the demand is lower worldwide than the amount of oil that is produced worldwide. Oil and gold prices go hand in hand. India and China trade gold for oil. China directly trades the yen with the Japanese yuan and now South Korea. They no longer use our dollar as the reserve of the world. Nixon stopped gold from being traded for oil. Our gold was worth $35.00 back then and it is still worth only $35.00 an ounce now since our dollar was and still is the world reserve. Social security is an insurance guaranteed to our seniors. We need to wake up and go out there and use our ideas and innovations to start a small business. There are trillions of dollars worth of lithium and other minerals in Afghanistan that can be used for battery operated electric cars and cell phones. Nursing homes delete an individual of all assets and eventually use medicaid fraud burdening the states resources that go unchecked. They even use multiple social security numbers. After all, that is why our social security system is a mess because the money was borrowed and used as an illusion to make it look like the budget was balanced back in the late 90's with the start of the derivatives market which casino bet against the homeowners. Of course, the budget was not balanced and the debt to social security was never paid back. They are covering this up by taking the money allotted and paid into medicare and funding medicaid through Madame Speaker's healthcare tax for all except unions who hold the big derivatives market pensions. Soon they will wait for a margin call, and move the gold since oil was bought at $125.00 a barrel and is now trading around $85.00. We are still paying double for oil and gasoline because China and India are using gold as a reserve and not our dollars. This is counterfeiting because gold is a 5,000% inflated price. Realize our income tax is a war tax, so they need the additional healthcare tax. Realize the back room deals with the drug companies that amounted to $8.3 Trillion. They talk about a dent of $30 Billion in healthcare costs. Realize they are leveraging your taxes and making at least $100.00 for every dollar which these elitists have leveraged to $288 Trillion for themselves. You pay taxes into the treasury which owes the social security system bonds and the treasury is getting $45 Trillion back from the NY Fed. Reserve where the treasury secretary worked and not from our central bank. It was a bank gangster style scheme and there are $600 trillion toxic leverages from our mortgages of the original general warranty deeds from our land ownership. This was done to farmers before the 1929 crash and the wizard of oz book was written because of the silver certificates and silver was the color of the original Dorothy's shoes that sent the owners of these farms into a vortex. The people who lived in the originally titled insured deed ownership lost their homes because of this fraud and their original lender no longer holds their mortgages. This is prostituting our land. The same thing is happening since 2007, the homes of original borrowers were foreclosed, instead of these mortgages being free and clear, the owners were kicked out of their homes and these homes were flipped and rented to illegals who are now legal and and in 2012 repurchased through the new bond market to Brazilians and Asians. Gasoline prices are skyrocketing yet on the commodities market the price is at least $30.00 per barrel less than it was in 2008 and we paid $1.89 per gallon. Saudi and China are building a pipeline and we have yet to connect to our Canadian friends but JP Morgan like with the farms and the original OZ is investing in Canadian land. We the people are left with change in your pockets, nothing more, until we the people's money goes off the fiscal cliff which is the vote for Cornwallis revenge since all lawyers swear an oath to Great Britain. We now answer to the UN who our leader who has a British passport was the first one to preside over the UN. Red China still owes us $1 Trillion in bonds that were never paid back since World War II so I call this zero balance that our Treasury owes nothing to Red China who now manipulates current. Stop confusing our US owned companies which we expanded there with their government owned companies which now own General Motors. Stop confusing our treasury who taxes us with our central bank which prints the $35.00 an ounce gold backed legal tender. 50 million seniors like my much older brother know that their paid into social security is an issurance fund and should have been placed into a lockbox ourtside our Treasury which funds so called entitlements like Welfare and their banks profit on SNAP electronic fees. Our central bank holds our general warranty deeds and the new mortgage notes and has a full accounting of the exact time and location of each and every dollar bill and note and our social security fund is guaranteed and backed by our central bank. All the other banks are banksters since our Treasury is funded from Puerto Rico and it traded outside of Wall Street worldwide delivering these toxic derivitives and already collected the insurance swaps that bet against the homeowners that lost everything. Yet these banksters' are still operating and profiting on the original homeowners losses and the homes are turned over and flipped, then rented out even though the original mortgages are free and clear but leveraged. People that should never have gotten a mortgage in the first place are free to live in their homes yet the good credit outstanding homeowners get foreclosed when a sickness or job loss occurs even though the original lender got paid in full from these insurance swaps known as derivitives. This in my opinion is insurance fraud. This happened to my brother while he was in a nursing home. Now someone else occupies his home and apartment and receives rental incomes on his loss of all assets yet never notified him. I call this an illegal search and seizure since he had title insurance and his mortgage that was owed to Morgan Stanley division of J.P. Morgan (Chase) was to be paid directly out of his closed checking account that had direct deposit authorization of his social security checks and his mortgage was a small percentage of the value of his properties. Seniors are not receiving their paid into guaranteed and insured social security when they reach the age of 62 or retirement age for those who made under $100,000.00 per year. The elites do not pay into the social security fund and illegals obtain hacked social security numbers.

Music is Our Time Machine

After watching Tom Cruise in his performance as a rock and roll singer, I see Dianetics. It is the music in our hearts that make us live forever. This is what is happening to the people born in the 1950's. Their music stopped. Bring back Motown. Bring back the music to the cities that are going bankrupt. Watch them come alive. It is music that captures our dreams and the sounds change time. Our music is our time machine. Bring back live bands and dancing. Put down the hand held devices and take the initiative to enjoy the present with all its sights and sounds. Sound travels. Dreams can envision anything. Let your imagination soar with creativity. Then sit back and watch the cities regenerate.


11:11 Pay Attention

Soon we will be headed off a fiscal cliff. Millionaires and Billionaires will be taxed so high that either they will pull their money out of the US or they will be bankrupt. The so called "middle class" are fooled into believing that their best interests are being met. Wake up! Everyone gets a shot is no opportunity. That is like everyone getting a shot at a lottery. This is going to put anyone making under $250,000. into medicaid. The only place to get this new healthcare tax is out of medicare. The treasury already borrowed all it could from social security and it will go broke in less than 5 years. 50 million people receive social security. Eventually, they will be placed under medicaid and will receive poor quality of care. You cannot have more than $2,000.00 in the bank to receive this poor standard of care. You cannot own an automobile worth more than $4,500.00. This is socialized medicine worse than the EU. If a small business can go to Canada and pay only 15% tax, what incentive will they have to invest in the US where they will be paying almost 45%, including paying more taxes on any investment and paying high costs of mandated health care. Fortunately, Trump fixed that problem in 2017. The big monopolies are free and clear of all taxes. The big business get tax incentives due to deregulation known as corporate welfare. Anti-trust laws do not go after these monopolies and small businesses cannot compete. Yes, it is nice to get free food, clothing, shelter, and utilities for the 47% who made this system of entitlements work for them. They are not your veterans nor social security recipients. Those checks come from a different fund outside of J.P.Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs-- the SNAP handlers. If things remain the same after November 11, 2018 (11:11 in the East) even social security and the veterans benefits will be handled by these two investment firms that broke free from the Glass Steagal Act. The budget was balanced in 1996 out of the social security insurance fund and leveraged that money to bet against you. On an eleven, eleven event one should pay attention because there is zero once you fall off a fiscal cliff headed nowhere into the counterfeit IMF funded Bitcoin abyss now avoiding our Federal Reserve dollars which the Treasury by-passed Wall Street allowing Red China to directly purchase U.S. Treasuries while Red China trades with gold backed yuan with the Saudis and Japan. Libyan oil was traded with Japan probably why the gold Dinar currency dropped to almost worthless. They have this system in place since Reagan's Treasury investment of Russian Rubles now worth $58 Trillion dollars to push the country so far left that they won't see where it originated. Ms. former speaker Puppet master has ties to Scranton, Pennsylvania. Kanjorski knew that the treasury invested in money markets instead of Russian rubles is no longer a congressman when he reported the run on money markets in 2010 which would have bankrupted the U.S. and Paul was replaced by a Hazleton mayor who is one of her Italian connections home of the Obama Girl, and Chicago Cubs coach. Panetta sent troops to Turkey in the Leviant where the end part of Israel sits. General Electric lobbied to the former speaker before she violated the Logan Act in 2007 when she went to Syria and the Olympics were held in Beijing, Red China. Always connect the pieces of the "Puzzle Palace" and see who benefited to avoid what happened to the U.S.S. Liberty.


Artists, like myself, Play It Straight

Social security is now a ponzi scheme with a lot of I owe yous. Federal Reserve dollars are earmarked for special needs which are backed by fixed assets, commodities, and liquid assets that is set aside by our Central Banks for accountability. The treasury under Tim Geithner by-passed Wall Street and allowed Red China to buy our Treasury Bills, then Saudi Arabia followed which owns land for alfalfa in the United States, state of Cailfornia which Communist Red China is also buying up Hollywood and their software Giant Alibaba is controlling our small businesses. Red China wants to control the Korean Peninsula and Jack Ma is growing its Alibaba network in Korea which will eventually control most of Asia which are trading gold backed yuan instead of our Federal Reserve dollars. There are no checks and balances. Our country has all the natural resources to sustain us. We had the opportunity to use such things as bowing to a Saudi King or contributions from Chicago's where the NY Federal Reserve Bank wants to relocate that Tim Geithner who told Paulson to lay down the foam for a banking crash in 2008. It was delayed and probably occurred in 2001 when the 401K pension investments like Bell Telephone that my NSA brother had in his retirement dropped over 40%. Both sides ignored Chicago's Rezco ties to British born Iraqi billionaire Nadhmi Auchie (oil for food) and the Saudi pipeline. Control causes red tapes for new and upcoming firms that are not monopolies. Electric companies get deregulated and a monopoly solar panel company gets a 1/2 billion in corporate welfare without an investigation. The solar company in the long run is only a small dent to waste, the fossil fuels get subsidized and the cost exceeds $500 billion directly paid into the IMF by the U.S. under the guise of climate change. Australia uses resources from its sun source along with wind source that cause no harm to the environment. We ignored crony capitalism like in Suharto, Indonesia. including the auto bailout became Communist Red China Motors. General Electric pays no taxes and gets billions back whose CEO became our job czar with a false positive jobless reading including control of our air force and healthcare with its SERCO ties. General Electric with the help of Bill Gates has found a way to eliminate nuclear waste and will effect newly found reserves of natural gas in Israel that would became a lucrative profitable way to provide energy and limit our needs to get oil from the Saudis. GE capital even holds the derivatives market which made $30 Trillion out of a second $900 Billion stimulus to benefit the elite. If we had free world trade, our economy would have boomed with natural gas and our coal sources of energy but instead we must compete with a communist country that trades with gold backed yuan instead of using our dollar which was supposed to be the world reserve. We made investments in IPO's that do not have stock in hand but on paper and investments with things that can be counterfeit like the Bitcoin. Antitrust laws are used against companies that compete and have better service than this oligarchy. The world's fair of 1963 represented this oligarchy of General Electric and even the Kodak film is in the internet soft drive monopoly which Bill Gates worked for as a young man(He interned for General Electric when he was 17). This film company was only driven out of the United States. Thus we lose our competitive abilities to a company that hacks codes and uses soft drive that leveraged worldwide a toxic $600 Trillion derivatives market. A hard drive wireless company with integrated soft drive like Larry Ellison's Oracle would have prevented supercomputers from making trillions of dollars in derivatives at the expense of our social security system. IBM that Ellison far exceeded would have found the medicare fraud of $1 Trillion in 2010 for free but our healthcare in run by the SERCO division of General Electric. Of course it was refused because of lobbying unions with pension funds that go unchecked and their future is secure without mandates nor restrictions. Congress also has the best healthcare and is free from mandates and free to have insider trading. Social security was intended for non-union workers when they reach retirement. It was not intended to pay long term unemployment for individuals making money off the system who choose not to work and receive medicaid and food stamps for themselves including their children which are undocumented and obtained residency through Catholic Social Services. The women and children the benefits are supposed to go to receive nothing. Visas are given to Asians to fill the high quality job market and bring down the wages that Americans could have found employment. I had to work up to three jobs when I was raising my children on my own. The disability/ social security system because of these individuals will be dissolved in approximately five years if something is not done to change the social security system that was wrongfully placed in our treasury which is spent by the Executive branch and should be balanced each year. Al Gore wanted social security in a lock box but Florida's ties could not wait to get their paws in it. The treasury wants to issue money like JFK did until Nixon took us off the $35.00 ounce gold reserve that certainly did not have enough reserves to accommodate our reserves in our central bank that lies outside our balance of powers. The New York Federal Reserve which handled the Russel Foundation and had an account of every penny spent on Wall Street had in excess of $58 Trillion dollars that was invested in Russian Rubles during the cold war which proves we have enough money in our Federal Reserve dollars which should be kept out of the Treasury. The actual 25 million who are out of work are ignored. The 13.9 million who are collecting like it that way and 4 million positions are held open by unions to be filled by undocumented workers. 150 million jobs are out there but only 109 million filed a tax return in 2010 and half of them paid no tax at all. At this point, checks and balances would have found the truth. Those who are out of work and by now homeless cannot receive food stamps nor Medicaid because they have no county residence that provides these benefits but the undocumented get residency through catholic social services when Nancy Pelosi, former House Speaker went to the Catholic Bishops and illegals are provided these county benefits. 41 million people are unaccounted for in this system since those jobs are filled by Asians, Brazilians, and others on VISAs. They pay no income taxes sending our Federal Reserve dollars back to their country of origin and getting up to four dollars for every dollar. In 2012 there are 163 million workers. Where do all the workers come from when there are 25 million Americans out of work, hungry and homeless like the ignored Vietnam vets now placed in nursing homes who are neglected and ignored never receiving their veterans benefits? Stop permanent Visas to illegals who buy land or rent from Americans that were sent to nursing homes or could not pay for utilities or the high cost of medical expenses. Countries like Red China, India, Venezuela and Brazil who are sending that money back home and leveraging our dollars into commodities or trading yuan for yen. This situation was tried years ago when communism wanted to bury our nation in debt. As an artist, I know we are buried in debt which is a false impression through our treasury which should never have a deficit in the first place. There is no reason for this to happen in a free market society living in a Republic having a perfect Federal Reserve System which was to serve as the beacon of the world and the Treasury was to be audited each year. Social Security is an insurance fund which was to be kept outside the Treasury. Audit the Treasury that wants to issue our currency like it did with Executive Order 11110 which would have bankrupted our nation and lead us to communism under JFK. Failure was rewarded. They think we live in a democracy and have to answer to NATO. Wake up and hold accountable anyone who supports a system that is contrary to the standards by which our nation was created. We are mandated under duress by this fourth branch who are reshaping our nation. Even Einstein with his wrong relativity theory predicted when technology replaces face to face communication, we lose our intellectual resources and we become idiots. There is no party system. It stopped when the hostages in Iran were released when Democrat Reagan who was part of General Electric replaced Nixon's Republican party since he was Vice President under Dwight D. Eisenhower who was for All Americans and he established Fort Meade to protect All Americans from Reagan's Military Industrial Complex. Follow the money from the time that Jimmy Carter lost to Reagan and if he had one more helicopter to rescue the hostages. Instead a deal was reached when Reagan won and then the Iran Contras situation that contributed to the chaos we still have in the middle east. Eisenhower wanted all citizens to be informed through our American owned broadcasting system that our Air Force Security Systems protected.


Golden Age of Cats

Although she is a dog, Mikito loves cats. She loves watching them even the stuffed ones and the ones on television. These days, everyone, even dogs, love cats. Cats are in. So invest in Gus Fink's Miko and Cola app and plush toys which, of course, are cats. Real or not, everyone loves cats. We are headed for the golden age and cats are the first sign. Go cat watching and forget about the hype about the economy which has nothing to do with us. We are products of our environment and cats make a pleasant environment. Go out there and bring one home and soon all your troubles will melt away. Mikito is worry-free from being surrounded by cats and so should you. Gus Fink just sold a pink Miko on his facebook page. Wow, what a lucky person who purchased that rare one to brighten up his day. Order a similar one for $25.00 or a Chubby Robot, or Kreebils or a custom made cat sculpture each by paypal at gusfink@hotmail.com and one would fit nicely in Gus Fink's Dr Krinkles new Monster Gooli collection bags selling for $40.00 each which are a big hit in Tokyo Japan. These are the newest fashion sensations! Also check out the Gus Fink "44 Reasons Why I Love Cats" soft cover book or his wife's lonely girl with cats book or a custom artwork in time for any occasion offered at Gus Fink Facebook which is full of his original artwork and descriptive text. Reading to your child. especially a book created by original Master Artist Gus Fink, at an early age, inspires them to make great things when they become adults of this golden age. They will learn to read at an early age since reading is fundamental and art integrated with Science(knowledge) will prepare them for a life full of purpose and happiness.


MaMa Moose Cash is King

Electronic manipulation caused a loss of trillions to 401K individual retirement accounts. Such accounts were maintained by investment brokers such as Morgan Stanley division of JP Morgan Chase. It started with the 1999 derivitives ponzi scheme of leverage of mortgage notes that were swapped and insured so that owners would lose their homes and they did. It was a casino betting for homeowners to lose scheme and the finacial group had nothing to lose because the swaps were insured. Then those foreclosures were flipped and backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac and rented out to section 8. These funds were leveraged to buy and sell commodities such as oil and gold and the result was to make us pay inflated prices due to hyperinflation. Trillions of dollars are controlled by the elite few who have made their money by internet hacking of codes rather than having innovative ideas or being creative. Some of these elite invested in the world's tallest skyscraper located in DuBai. These monopolies pay no taxes at all and one of the CEOs is our new job czar. Fortunately, we still have a strong central bank known as the Federal Reserve. Investments should be out of banking businesses because these financial institutions present themselves as banks, when in the long run they merely are in the commodities market outside of Wall Streets fortune 500 and do not have the reserves to cover their gambling. This confuses the market of fortune 500 companies that truly have the net worth of the stocks that are out there if people have possession of these stocks. A perfect example is Dallas where the economy is booming. Other states should follow their lead. They use natural gas that comes from our land where cash is king. We are headed for a bear market because in March, the treasury, will stop printing checks. This EBT systems is used in the SNAP (food stamps) program by the same bank that caused the derivitives manipulation and the farm bill uses corn as ethanyol so that we pay inflated prices at the gas pump and the monopolies get rewarded with subsidies. Entitlements are eliminated for the unaccounted 23 million who are out of work or under-employed. They cannot collect free food nor subsidized housing like the dreamers because these 23 million have lost their homes to foreclosures by this same bank. Since they no longer have a permanent residence, these 23 million go without any assistance and have to fend for themselves. There is no safety net for the 23 million people who go hungry and who are homeless because of this toxic $600 trillion worldwide derivitive fraud. The bubble is about to burst and Red China is buying up California and investing in South Korea through Jack Ma like the elitists use Warren Buffett to buy up the land, communist China uses Jack Ma to control the small business of America which are the backbone of our Gross Domestic Product. Red China wants to bankrupt the U.S. Dollar and now avoids our Federal Reserve dollars and uses Yuan in trading and the through the International Monetary Fund. Apple recently built a huge new facility in California which can interfere with our electronics capability because we put our trust in people who appear to be our friends. Taiwan is master of its own house.