MaMa Moose The Bestest Day Starts Now
Be the best you can. The past is your history and the future is now. Only you have the power to change. Stop relying on others to do it for you. Start by making today the bestest day ever. Tomorrow, you can do the same. Sundays are good days to go for walks regardless of the weather. Just get up and start moving. People sit like couch potatos all day long. Either they watch television or surf the internet. Their days are filled with talking and texting. Most of the time the person on the receiving end is thinking about other things. You will be amazed how much better your life will be when you enjoy the present with its sights and sounds that surround you when you start walking. Everyone's life should be the bestest. I know bestest is not a word, but since my blog is copyrighted, I can choose whatever words I wish. Enjoy the present. It is your life and today is your gift.
Block by Block-It Starts With You
It starts with you to have the best environment. It starts with people helping people block by block. It starts with shopping locally to help your community. It starts with you to communicate face to face to bring your community together block by block like a puzzle which is only complete after all its pieces come together. It is up to you to create a safe, enjoyable environment. You are a product of your environment. It starts with you to give your children the best of the best of things that cost nothing like your smile, time, narrating a book, or doing artwork together. It starts with you to teach your children the basic communication skills that last forever which are the 3 basic R's of Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic It starts with you to teach your child to acquire knowledge by asking questions and finding the accurate answers, including solving any problem by finding the solution to the problem. It is up to you to allow your children to explore their world through adventure either by going to places or reading about those places. These basic tools require no money and are available to everyone. Set goals for your child and help your child enjoy the journey before reaching the goal. Start with a small goal so that your child can easily attain the goal and have the ability to reach another goal. Everyone is unique as snowflakes and has something to offer to better the community one wishes to live in. It is your responsibility to make sure that your child receives food, exercise, clothing and shelter Your most important gift to your child is love. Do your best and demand only the best education for your child. A good education provides the ability to compete and seek the best products, services and advise. Children should be protected by the people responsible for the child whether inside the home or outside the home such as in school. Take the initiative so that your child enjoys the present with all its sights and sounds. Never be apathetic if you see a neighbor struggling since a small act of kindness goes a long way. Kindness costs nothing and is an important stepping stone to optimum health, happiness and success.
The gift represents giving without expecting anything in return. The gift does not have to be wrapped. The gift can be your time, helping out a neighbor, babysitting, sharing a meal, sharing your skills, talents, or giving anything of value with no monetary value. A gift that is valuable is worth more than anything money can buy because it comes from the heart which is out of love that lasts forever. Create a poem, a letter, a painting, a sculpture that costs very little to make but is valuable to the receiver to enjoy and is timeless. We need to guide our children to create and express their uniqueness and the gifts they can bring to the world. Children need a strong foundation to discover what they do best to create a lasting impression throughout life. Adults should have their own businesses that represents what they do best to leave their gifts to the world of unlimited potential. Just because a child comes from a rich family that can buy expensive gifts it does not mean their gifts are more valuable nor should any child be called unfortunate. Everyone has special gifts and creativity is the greatest gift of all since children were granted gifts by their creator which include life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Valentine's Day
Every day should be Valentine's day. My best Valentine's day was when Gus Fink's dad, my former husband, sent me a beautiful short pink dress and we went out to the Top of the Eighties restaurant. Gus Fink, my son, always gives his wife beautiful Valentine's Days. He is a great husband and dad. Google him. He is the greatest artist in the world in my opinion; and, of course, the best toy designer (sculptures tested by his daughters before prototype since 2007) from original affordable artwork and descriptive text. Once you view his art on Facebook, you will never stop buying it.
Economic Security and Independence
Each of us as an American citizen have rights that cannot be removed through our Declaration of Independence which are granted only by our creator. This was known as divine providence. Politicians swear an oath to uphold the constitution which is man made and can be changed by either of the three branches of power because anything can be put on paper. Laws are made through Congress and so are taxes. Taxes are mandated such as the so called Affordable Health Care Tax which ironically is part of British SERCO and a division of the General Electric Octopus. General Electric holds no allegiance to the United States. Our job czar is General Electric first since the job numbers show a positive job growth. Figures never lie, but liars figure. Accountability is part of the United States Balance of powers and citizens hold an allegiance to the United States. We divide our citizens with charts and by pigments including making a generation that we all share divided into segments. An example is a person age 40 who graduated from college titled as part of the X-Generation. Citizens own the air waves and should be informed with immediate facts in order to be well informed and the reason Dwight Eisenhower was included in the first live television broadcast to all citizens of a generation which includes his life span up to an including this date and time which is our Generation. Everyone needs economic security and independence first and foremost to be informed citizens. It is our right and part of our declaration of independence. We should not be lead to believe that we are in debt since all our Federal Reserve Dollars share the national motto of "In God We Trust" and the reason we broke away from tyranny to be granted this right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to informed citizens who have allegiance to the United States of America. We balance our household budgets and Congress should be accountable to balance the U.S. Treasury which they fund and the treasury should be balanced each and every year. We are each different as snowflakes in the snow but come together as one nation under God which Dwight Eisenhower included in our pledge of Allegiance which comes first and foremost to economic security and independence The United States has an abundance of resources which come from nature and also resources that are man made such as goods and services including intellectual properties. The United States is the only nation in the world that is economically sustainable The United States is the beacon to the world for prosperity. The light shines through the crack in our liberty bell proving there is a reason for everything when something good comes out of it.
My Dad
My dad is Catholic. He was born and raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania. His dad was an orphan from Ireland, his mother died in childbirth when he was nine years old. He joined the Army/Air Corps in 1937 and he was injured in 1939 near Langley, Virginia when he was told to exit the plane without a parachute and he landed in one of those very tall trees. He received an honorable discharge. He was considered only 10% disabled so he chose to work instead of collecting his veterans' disability. He taught Dale Carnegie courses. He was well educated and kept a very private life. One thing to prove his education is that he knew an entire American English Dictionary word for word. I never needed a dictionary growing up. I would be able to ask him any definition. I would not disappoint him by getting less than an A. I took academic courses but my main courses were commercial and I graduated as the top commercial student as the complete opposite of my dad's first born son that I write about in my blog known as my NSA brother. If anyone has every read my blog he would know who I am referring to. When my dad was discharged from the Air Corps since the Air Force was not started yet he did blue prints at a defense plant where he met my mother and when my brother was a year old my dad did blueprints at a non disclosed location. I guess that is why his oldest son was chosen in the Fort Meade part of the Air Force that is non-government. My dad also worked for General Electric and left to become a salesman. He designed kitchens by hand with his original design and taught his artwork and descriptive text which was an "etchy" primitive style that could never be duplicated which influenced his master artist grandson. My favorite saying of his was protean mentor or a guide in different form which I interpreted the meaning similar to the holy ghost of the Catholic trinity.
Gold and oil prices go hand in hand when they are purchased from foreign lands. Trillions of dollars in pensions are invested in stock to signal the commodities market to buy gold. Fool them and invest in silver which is around $16.50 an ounce. We are harvesting our land with corn and soybeans that are exported to Asia. Saudi Arabia purchased land in California for alfalfa. Why should Asia and Saudi Arabia who trade with gold backed yuan manipulate our dollar to inflate the price of oil. Oil was only to be purchased worldwide with Federal Reserve dollars which are the reserve of the world. Gold's real value is only about $35.00 an ounce since Nixon when he took our Treasury off of the gold standard and a barrel of oil should not exceed $40.00 which would make pump prices at around $1.89 per gallon for automobile fuel. Due to the toxic $600 Trillions casino bet derivative market that invested in counterfeit currencies including bitcoins, we are in hyperinflation. Homeowners lost their homes and the banksters bet against them instead giving out loans to persons who did not meet income standards. Since the mortgages were insured the banksters got paid, then placed homeowners under foreclosure when they either could not afford the utilities nor taxes or were hospitalized. Senior citizens who may have refinanced to help out their families were sent to nursing homes instead of returning to the homes they lived in for 30 years or more. Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway purchased these homes at a fraction of the cost. The standard gold to silver ratio is 16-1 which proves gold is hyper-inflated and Red China does not have a sustainable economic structure Only the United States has a sustainable economic structure For world prosperity, our federal reserve dollars are only to be used to purchase oil and be the beacon of the world Oil cannot be traded with yuan since gold is not currency and can be counterfeit. Then illegals through the dream act which went against our constitution used an excuse for the banksters and nursing homes to rent out these homes and helping the illegals finance the homes or receiving section 8 vouchers. Illegals went to Catholic Social Services county to county providing residence and allowing them to receive welfare including free medical and foodstamps. The system was set up with the Reagan administration when credit cards had inflated interest rates and liens were attached to the homeowners when they could not afford these skyrocketing rates to even make minimum payments. The same system worked when a credit card minimum payment was unable to be met after two months, the credit card companies called all the loans to be paid in full or have their home bought up by county lawyers in a sheriff's sale. When the majority of seniors retired even though they paid into social security for over 25 years, the social security bonds were used to pay off the federal deficit of the treasury and the seniors only had a life span of around 7 years after retiring with poor quality care. Individuals making over $117,000. do not pay into the social security system and that is a Ponzi scheme. Social security is not welfare. It is insurance and it should be paid to the beneficiary who has an insurable interest instead of it used for food stamps and Medicare funds paying for the new healthcare tax disguised as affordable. Keeping Americans dependent on welfare and food stamps whether it is from the extreme right or left is denying each individual's bill of rights. Communism and Fascism go hand in hand and only a few elites reap the benefits at the expense of the majority of Americans. This is why we have a balance of powers instead of a king. An audit should be done of the entire Treasury and find out who benefits. Only fortune 500 companies have vested stock options. IPO's are only worth the value they project. Anything can be put on paper or marketed like Bitcoins which can be counterfeit but only the United States Dollar has a system where every dollar is traceable and accountable. Our federal reserve dollars are the beacon of the world and is money for money's worth. Invest in silver now and into your golden years. We have hard assets such as silver in our federal reserve along with hundred of tons of gold and fixed assets with general warranty deeds including a self-sustainable economic structure through capitalism and money for money's worth.
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