
Have We Become a Plastic Society

Everyone is so fake. What ever happened to natural beauty? What ever happened to the meeting of like minds? Is technology making society go backwards? Are people aware that we are facing an inflation of goods, services, utilities and taxes? People are like sheep following each other on social media sites instead of getting together and enjoying each other's company. I think these plastic people forgot how to think because they certainly forgot how to put together a sentence, yet alone write a letter. Thank goodness there are the achievers of the X generation who know they have to do a series of exercises for all parts of the body and start from a young age. Whatever happened to walking, running, sit ups, push ups, squat thrusts or pull ups? You have to develop the body to have a strong mind. Start with looking at the one in the mirror and mind your own business. Let your faces show expression. Wake up, start with your own ideas. Face each other and take the initiative to enjoy the present instead of becoming objects.


MaMa Moose Let Free Enterprise Ring

Start today as your journey and use this opportunity to think about either supporting a local small business or opening up one yourself. We all have things we are good at, so use your free time to explore your interests. It starts from within and is more than motivation or goal setting. With concept, you can accomplish anything to better yourself. It starts with you. By supporting local small businesses in your community, it makes a better community. That is our foundation where we work and spend our leisure time with friends and family. So make today a great day and do it with a fresh start towards your happiness. This is my perspective on the pursuit of happiness.