
Gus Fink

The true artist plays it straight. Wake up and realize art is a global asset that appreciates more than anything. Art also inspires, is essential and life without art is stupid. Appreciate and support Gus Fink because his art matters. Stop wasting your time and hard earned money on elite media nonsense. They are promoting media infotainment. This is confusing young minds who are being brainwashed. The youth will eventually be unable to recognize truth from fantasy. Art should go hand and hand with science which, by the way, is knowledge based on facts not theory. We are moving backwards. Parents are more involved with media interaction than the development of their children. Children need to have a strong and healthy mind accompanied by exercise. Every muscle in their growing bodies has to be developed. Real leaders used to give out fitness awards for performance that met certain standards So, think smart and invest in art for a sensible future of meeting of the minds with tangible books (with covers) and visionary art. These techs are infringing on copyrighted artwork and descriptive text with their e-books and pixel image soft drives overriding the true visionary artist. These elitists hack information through hand-held devices. Art is good for body, mind and soul. An affordable piece of art such as a Gus Fink custom art will be worth a great deal down the road. So enjoy the road less traveled for it will offer an experience to your best life ever. The untalented tell them all the time to work hard or expect nothing. This negativity makes the audience apathetic. Artists are expected to go hungry and unnoticed. These tech people and theory scientists are incapable of creating anything original. They borrow ideas and use innovations from visionary artists. The media promotes violence in movies and video games targeted at teens. There are even theories that creativity is a mental defect such as Van Gogh's art. This is done to isolate teens for profit. This pushes the teens out of interaction within the present and their own community. It transfers a teen's interaction towards a social network of strangers. It also promotes couch potatoes. A healthy body is essential for a healthy strong mind. This type of interaction of young minds will stop their ability to think and create. Eventually, free enterprise will be eliminated by a multi media monopoly targeting teens who will grow up having no incentive to work nor become responsible adults. They are losing their communication skills and becoming desensitized. Art and descriptive text should be looked at in a positive manner. An artist can make due on a shoestring income that goes a long way. An artist is independent and resourceful. An artist does not say "I am starving" like the media influenced people out there. The media wants the youth dumb downed and obese. Youth are targeted and used as a commodity. These elites are only interested in promoting their product and do not care about the end result. Youth are unable to add together two numbers yet highly finger developed to take pictures and communicate on tech devises. They can only push buttons or touch the screen to produce pixel images. This gives the youth only the power to interact and overcome the images on the screen. People are starving for instant gratification. How creative is that? The youth will be unable to take charge of their own lives and unable to earn a decent living. Money should be given for money's worth known as consideration. Why not have consideration for the true visionary artist like Gus Fink who represents history in the making? A work of art is a valuable asset. So why not promote the artist? Instead, commercials are promoting the product while ridiculing the artist. Buying a Gus Fink original is a good investment since his artwork is in demand by collectors worldwide. Facebook Gus Fink, visit his Instagram with the scary cat, Google Gus Fink or get a commissioned art at gusfink@hotmail.com. Gus Fink copyrighted his artwork and descriptive text in the library of congress when he was only 10 years old-the year Tim Burton directed Batman. His copyrighted art at that time was the artwork and descriptive text for his character 'Sic' Man Fred. Gus Fink is an original artist ranging from cute to Horror Art. Four times more data than was collected in the library of congress was stolen from the United States in 2010. Pixel images done by a computer are not art. Gus Fink world known Master artist depicts his vision in his art. Your child's imagination starts with art as early as imagination developing at play time starting at three to five begins the process for your child to become an entrepreneur. Imagine your child's future potential when adulthood begins with an entrepreneur foundation of a plethora of opportunities. The drawing boards of future products start with art.